Ghrp-6 and cjc1295 side effects not happening


New member
I received my peps from src and started sunday night. I do 100 mcg twice daily of ghrp-6 and i will be doing my second cjc on wednesday. Granted im really early into this but i have not noticed anything from it. Most are writing about being crazy hungry 20 or so minutes after injection but i have yet to experience this. I currently am on HGH 2iu's a day and have been for over 2 months now so i dont know if my body has gotten used to the hgh surge but this shouldnt have anything to do with the increase of ghrelin from the ghrp6 any thoughts?

Side question, my girlfriend is on the same thing and just started hgh as well and her body gets hot/sweaty and this is someone who is ALWAYS cold. Could there be a heating effect with any of these peps?

Thanks guys!!
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