GHRP-6 and mod-grf


New member
So been running these two peptides mon-fri @ 100mcgs, morrning, noon and night.

I really did'nt think I would be able to tell much. Did'nt at first besides the hunger, which is awesome. However, it would appear from the look in the mirror that I have dropped some BF%. Also just look overall better. And this is without dieting at all. Pretty much trying to eat everything in sight, as I am coming back from an arm injury, but I still look like Im trying to diet. Gonna keep running these peptides for a long time. Def gonna be nice to see them combined with a AAS cycle. :)
Hey Omega!

That is exactly the type of thing I like to hear! Looking forward to your progress report as you hit the 3 and 6 month mark on those peps!
Omega - glad to hear they're working for you! How quick did the hunger come on once you started?
Hunger came almost right away. Usually kicks in real good about 30 min after injection. But now my appetite seems to be high all the time. Which is great since Im getting ready to start a cycle.
Not sure what you mean. Im taking both the ghrp-6 and mod grf. So with them combined have seen an increase in hunger a decrease in bf% and increase in LBM.
Just a little update. Seems these peptides are starting to help my strength some as well. Seems all my lifts have gone up somewhat, not like on AAS, but still can tell a difference.