GHRP-6/CJC1295 Stack Question


New member

I know you're supposed to avoid eating 30 mins either side of dosing these but can you still drink carbless protein shakes within the 30 minute window? This is probably a dumb question but I can't find the information anywhere else. Thanks.
3hrs before, 30 min after. 3 hrs before is always difficult but the emptier your gut is the better the effect of any GHRP stack (2,6,Hex, Ipam). Its all to do with a hormone your body produces when your digesting food that regulates your GH release. Its worth the 30 minute (20 - 30 minute) wait. Drink water or use GHRP's - Ipam or Hex if your hunger pains are too much to bare when using GHRp6 or 2. Im not 100% sure if proteins will blunt your GHRP less than carbs. Ive read in posts that suggest this is correct but for the sake of a 3rd of an hour to get max effect from a GHRP I would just wait it out then eat some lean proteins.
For my rat it never made a difference eating or not. BUT... I wasn't trying to loose weight either. Going for strength = stomach was never empty. LOL :) All that aside protein should be ok no matter what kind. I can't see it being an issue.
Somatostatin is secreted in several locations in the digestive system:
delta cells of the pancreas[7]
Somatostatin will travel through the portal blood system, to the heart, then to systemic circulation, where it will exert its digestive system effects. In the stomach, somatostatin acts on the acid-producing parietal cells via G-coupled receptor to reduce secretion. Somatostatin also indirectly decreases stomach acid production by preventing the release of other hormones, including gastrin, secretin and histamine.
Somatostatin is produced by neuroendocrine neurons of the periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. These neurons project to the median eminence, where somatostatin is released from neurosecretory nerve endings into the hypothalamo-hypophysial system through neuron axons. Somatostatin is then carried to the anterior pituitary gland, where it inhibits the secretion of growth hormone from somatotrope cells. The somatostatin neurons in the periventricular nucleus mediate negative feedback effects of growth hormone on its own release; the somatostatin neurons respond to high circulating concentrations of growth hormone and somatomedins by increasing the release of somatostatin, so reducing the rate of secretion of growth hormone.

Source - Somatostatin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless you have a body that can defy the biological laws of science the I would avoid eating between 1 and 3 hrs prior and 30 minutes after.