Global Anabolics...???


Hey everyone...

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience (good and/or bad) with Global Anabolics products. I was at The Vitamin Shoppe the other day, and saw this brand with Win C-17, Deccabolic, Estrobolin 4X, and Clen-Tec. and they are all pretty moderately priced. I am looking to possibly run a cycle this upcoming winter, and was wondering if these products were any good or not. Any comments good and/or bad would be much appreicated. also, if anyone has stacked them, what with and how much would be alot of help.

thanks in advance.
Ive used global anabolics glonavar (oxandrolone) and was happy with the results. Planning my next cycle at the moment, and Im deffinately going to use some of their products if I can get my hands on them.
Ive used global anabolics glonavar (oxandrolone) and was happy with the results. Planning my next cycle at the moment, and Im deffinately going to use some of their products if I can get my hands on them.

I also got 2 bottles of glonavar in my trip to thai but i found a discrepency with the internet site being .com and the silver seal having .com as is the real stuff but the label strangely was .org so i am still confused as today as why the bottle seems 100% and the seal but the label not! and it isent the same as what is posted on the site for global anab so what doi you think? what was your like?