Elite Mentor,
Glucometric analysis of various OTC glucose utilization and insulin enhancing supplements. By Fonz.
In this study, that will be divided into part I and II, I will measure the Blood Glucose and temperature response to a meal with different supplements(5). In Part I, they will be used and tested independently. In Part II, I will explain how they can be used synergistically with one another and the numerous benefits the stack offers.
The supplements used:
1. None(Placebo)
2. CLA(Vitamin Shoppe)
3. GLA(Vitamin Shoppe)
4. R-ALA(Anabolic Fitness and 1fast400)
5. ALA (Kilosports)
6. Acetyl-L-Carnitine(Vitamin Shoppe)
Blood Glucose monitors used:
Principal: CVS Prestige Smart system. Serial Number: 6429796
Back-up: Glucotrend 2. Serial Number: GH022114809
Every original 1st reading by the principal Blood Glucose monitor(CVS) was checked by the back-up Glucometer(Glucotrend 2) to eliminate inconsistencies. I set the bar at + or – 10% of the original reading. If more or less than 10%, I repeated the specific dosaging for the supplement or combination of supplements being tested. I also measured my bodytemp to see if some of the supplements possessed thermogenic qualities.
Thermometer: Philips SensorTouch. Accurate to +-0.1C Type: HF 37C CE 0344
Specific Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g) (Low Fat, high carb)
All measurements were done in the AM and/or anytime I hadn’t eaten for 12hrs, as there is NO FOOD present in the stomach after 12hrs, liver glycogen is empty, and BG levels are lowest. This is the BEST time to measure blood glucose fluctuations.
In fact, the GTT test is best performed in the AM on an empty stomach(Ask your doctor, he will verify this) (GTT=Glucose Tolerance test). Values for the blood glucose will be given according to the American system: i.e. mg/dl . This is the structure of each daily measurement.
1. Take initial BG(Blood glucose) measurement and BodyTemp.
2. Consume the SPECIFIC food and take the supplement in question at the specified dosage level.
3,4,5 and 6: Measure BG(Blood Glucose) levels at the 1 hr, 2hr, 3hr, and 4hr mark..
(Also taking bodytemp at each 1hr interval)
Supplement #1: Placebo
Intitial BG Measurement: 48mg/dl Temp: 37.3C (99.1F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.2C (99F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 40mg/dl Temp: 36.8C (98.2F)
T+3hrs measurement: 74mg/dl Temp: 37.1C (98.8F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 37.2F (99F)
Note: This clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal. Definately made me hungry and lethargic.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
21 + 17.64 + 11.47 + 24 + 1 = 75.11 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative):0.64 + 0.47 = 1. 11 units squared
Note2: Total Area: 75.11 + 1.11 = 76.22 units squared.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 14.7min(5.83% Total time)
Measurement #2 of Placebo:
Intitial BG Measurement: 50mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 96mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4)
T+2hrs Measurement: 42mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.7C (98.2F)
Note: Again this clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
23 + 19.59 + 10.89 + 20 + 4 = 77.48 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement horizontal line:-0.59 – 0.89 = -1. 43 units squared
Note2: Total Area: 77.48 + 1.43 = 78.91 units squared.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 14.3min(5.97% Total time)
Measurement #3 of Placebo:
Intitial BG Measurement: 61mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 112mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 51mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
25.5 + 21.32 + 6.22 + 18 + 1 = 72.04 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement horizontal line(negative):
0.82 + 1.72 = 2.54 units squared
Note: Total Area: 77.48 + 1.43 = 74.58 units squared.
Note2: Again this clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 21.03min(8.76% Total time)
Placebo Analysisositive Area Negative Area Total Area
(Units Squared)
Measurement 1: 75.11 1.11 76.22
Measurement 2: 77.48 1.43 78.91
Measurement 3: 72.04 2.54 74.58
Mean Area: 74.88 1.69 76.57
Time in Negative BG(Approx):
Measurement 1 : 14.7min(5.83%)
Measurement 2 : 14.3min(5.97%)
Measurement 3 : 21.03min(8.76%)
Supplement #2: CLA (Tonalin) Vitamin Shoppe Brand.
Dosages: 8g, 10g, 12g. (But Tonalin is 74-82% CLA by content)
So, taking an average of 78% CLA, we get;
Dose 1: 12g Tonalin CLA) = 9.36g CLA
Dose 2: 10g Tonalin CLA)= 7.8g CLA
Dose 3: 8g Tonalin CLA) = 6.24g CLA
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 12g Tonalin CLA: 9.36g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 48mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 61mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs measurement: 64mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.6C(97.9F)
Note: CLA stabilized BG levels for the 4hrs.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
6.5 + 13 + 11 + 16 + 9.5 + 16 + 3 = 75units squared.
Note: No reactive hypoglycaemia occurred like the placebo. CLA modulated the insulin surge from the pancreas, causing BG levels to not drop sharply...but instead they stabilized. This is how CLA works in diets and will be talked about later.
Dose 2: 10g Tonalin CLA: 7.8g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 96mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6 F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 117mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
T+3hrs measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 66mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12 + 24 + 10.5 +19.5 + 6 + 1.5 = 73.5 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative)(Approx):
(0.5)(6)(0.5) = 1.5 units squared
Note: Total Area: 73.5 + 1.5 = 75 units squared.
Note2: CLA stabilized BG readings after the high GI carb meal. But BG readings still dipped below initial BG reading after less than 4 hours.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 30 min(12.5% of time)
Dose 3: 8g Tonalin CLA: 6.24g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 76mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 104mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 120mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
14 + 28 + 8 +19.36 = 69.36 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative)(Approx):
3 + 5 + 0.36 = 8.36 units squared
Note: Total Area: 69.36 + 8.36 = 77.72 units squared.
Note2: CLA stabilized BG readings after the high GI carb meal. But BG readings still dipped below initial BG reading after less than 3 hours.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial): 67.2min(28% of time)
CLA Analysis:
(Units Squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area Negative BG Time
Dose 1(12g)75.0 0.0 75.0 0.0
Dose 2(10g)73.5 1.5 75.0 30min(12.5%)
Dose 3(8g) 69.36 8.36 77.72 67.2min(28%)
As can be clearly seen, there exists a definite correlation between the amount of CLA needed per amount of carbs ingested. The 12g CLA completely stabilized BG levels after the initial spike(CLA is a fat, so it takes time to be digested and work), and they remained stable for 4 hours. The length of my BG analysis. The 10g and 8g doses stabilized BG levels for the first 3 hours. After that, BG levels dropped to below initial levels.
Supplement #3: GLA
Dosages: 1560mg GLA, 1300mg GLA, 1040mg GLA
(These dosages come from 1300mg Borage Oil Gel Caps containing 260mg GLA per gel cap). They are from the VitaminShoppe.
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 1560mg GLA(From 7800mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 59mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 79mg/dl Temp: 36.4C(97.5F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 73mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with this dosage of GLA included w/ high GI carb meal. BG levels spiked initially during the first hour then leveled off, and remained stable for the next 3 hours. Temperature did increase 0.6F from initial measurement to T=2hrs. This is statistically significant, and will be talked about later because GLA seems to have a slight thermogenic effect. Also, total area under blood glucose curve was smaller than placebo.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12 + 13 + 5.5 + 13 + 3.5 + 14 + 3 = 64 units squared
Dose 2: 1300mg GLA(From 6500mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 81mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 117mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 101mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 94mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
Area under positive BG Curve = 18 + 20 + 8 + 13 + 3.5 + 9 + 2 = 73.5 units squared
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with GLA included w/ high GI carb meal.
Ending BG level > Initial BG level after T+4 hours. T+1hr BG Spike seen again like in GLA Dose #1.(1560mg GLA). Again, mean Temp. rose 0.5F from Initial BG temp to T=2hrs temp.
Dose 3: 1040mg GLA(From 5200mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 129mg/dl Temp: 37.4C(99.5F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measuremen 104mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measuremen 81mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
23 + 7 + 19.5 + 7 + 7 + 2 + 11.5 = 77 units squared.
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with GLA included w/ high GI carb meal.
Ending BG level = Initial BG level after T+4 hours. T+1hr BG Spike seen again like in GLA Dose #1.(1560mg GLA) and dose #2(1300mg GLA). BG fluctuations were more erratic in dose#3 than in dose #1 and #2. Seems that this is the smallest amount of GLA for the dosage of carbs ingested for BG levels not to go below initial. Again, mean Temp. rose 0.5F from Initial BG temp to T=1hr temp.
GLA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Max Temp increase(F) Total Area
Dose 1(1560mg): 64 0.6F 64
Dose 2(1300mg): 73.5 0.5F 73.5
Dose 3(1040mg): 77 0.5F 77
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(Units Squared)
64/76.57 = 83.58% = - 17.42% reduction in BG Area
73.5/76.57 = 95.99% = - 4.01% reduction in BG Area
77/76.57 = No Net Change Seen.
Supplement #4: R-ALA
Dosages: 200mg R-ALA, 400mg R-ALA , 600mg R-ALA.
(From AF and
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 200mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 110mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
20 + 10 + 15 + 5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 55 Units Squared
Dose 2: 400mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12.5 + 10 + 7.5 + 5 = 35 Units squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
0.5(10) = 5 Units squared
Dose 3: 600mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
10 + 10 + 5 + 3.33 = 28.33 Units squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
5 + 2.5 + 0.83 = 8.33 Units squared
R-ALA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(200mg): 55.0 0.0 55.00
Dose 2(400mg): 35.0 5.0 40.00
Dose 3(600mg): 28.33 8.33 36.67
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(600mg R-ALA)(36.67 Units Squared) 36.67/76.57 = (1-47.89%) = 52.11% reduction
(400mg R-ALA)(40.00 Units Squared) 40.0/76.57 = (1-52.24%) = 47.76% reduction
(200mg R-ALA)(55.00 Units Squared) 55.0/76.57 = (1-71.83%) = 28.17% reduction
Supplement #5: ALA
Dosages: 600mg ALA, 1200mg ALA , 1800mg ALA.
(These dosages come from ALA)
Kilosports: Lot# C07351
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 600mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
17.5 + 22.5 + 17.5 = 57.5 Units Squared
Dose 2: 1200mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 45 Units Squared
Dose 3: 1800mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 36.8C (98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12.5 + 10 + 7.5 + 5 = 35 Units Squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
(0.5)(10) = 5.0 Units Squared
ALA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(600mg): 57.5 0.0 55.00
Dose 2(1200mg) 45.0 0.0 45.00
Dose 3(1800mg): 35.0 5.0 40.00
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(1800mg ALA)(40.00 Units Squared) 40.00/76.57 = (1-52.24%) = 47.76% reduction
(1200mg ALA)(45.00 Units Squared) 45.00/76.57 = (1- 58.77%) = 41.23% reduction
(600mg ALA)(57.50 Units Squared) 57.50/76.57 = (1- 75.09%) = 24.91% reduction
Supplement #6: Acety-L-Carnitine
Dosages: 1000mg AlCar, 2000mg ALCar , 3000mg ALCar
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 1000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 20 + 25 + 15 = 75.0 Units Squared
Dose 2: 2000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 85mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 25 + 17.5 + 10 = 67.5 Units Squared
Dose 3: 3000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.2C(99.0F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 25 + 12.5 + 12.5 = 65.0 Units Squared
ALCar Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(1000mg): 75.0 0.0 75.00
Dose 2(2000mg): 67.5 0.0 67.50
Dose 3(3000mg): 65.0 0.0 65.00
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(3000mg ALCar)(65.00 Units Squared) 65.00/76.57 =(1-84.89%) = 15.11% reduction
(2000mg ALCar)(67.50 Units Squared) 67.50/76.57 =(1-88.15%) = 11.85% reduction
(1000mg ALCar)(75.00 Units Squared) 75.00/76.57 =(1-97.95%) = 2.05% reduction
Next post.
In this study, that will be divided into part I and II, I will measure the Blood Glucose and temperature response to a meal with different supplements(5). In Part I, they will be used and tested independently. In Part II, I will explain how they can be used synergistically with one another and the numerous benefits the stack offers.
The supplements used:
1. None(Placebo)
2. CLA(Vitamin Shoppe)
3. GLA(Vitamin Shoppe)
4. R-ALA(Anabolic Fitness and 1fast400)
5. ALA (Kilosports)
6. Acetyl-L-Carnitine(Vitamin Shoppe)
Blood Glucose monitors used:
Principal: CVS Prestige Smart system. Serial Number: 6429796
Back-up: Glucotrend 2. Serial Number: GH022114809
Every original 1st reading by the principal Blood Glucose monitor(CVS) was checked by the back-up Glucometer(Glucotrend 2) to eliminate inconsistencies. I set the bar at + or – 10% of the original reading. If more or less than 10%, I repeated the specific dosaging for the supplement or combination of supplements being tested. I also measured my bodytemp to see if some of the supplements possessed thermogenic qualities.
Thermometer: Philips SensorTouch. Accurate to +-0.1C Type: HF 37C CE 0344
Specific Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g) (Low Fat, high carb)
All measurements were done in the AM and/or anytime I hadn’t eaten for 12hrs, as there is NO FOOD present in the stomach after 12hrs, liver glycogen is empty, and BG levels are lowest. This is the BEST time to measure blood glucose fluctuations.
In fact, the GTT test is best performed in the AM on an empty stomach(Ask your doctor, he will verify this) (GTT=Glucose Tolerance test). Values for the blood glucose will be given according to the American system: i.e. mg/dl . This is the structure of each daily measurement.
1. Take initial BG(Blood glucose) measurement and BodyTemp.
2. Consume the SPECIFIC food and take the supplement in question at the specified dosage level.
3,4,5 and 6: Measure BG(Blood Glucose) levels at the 1 hr, 2hr, 3hr, and 4hr mark..
(Also taking bodytemp at each 1hr interval)
Supplement #1: Placebo
Intitial BG Measurement: 48mg/dl Temp: 37.3C (99.1F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.2C (99F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 40mg/dl Temp: 36.8C (98.2F)
T+3hrs measurement: 74mg/dl Temp: 37.1C (98.8F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 37.2F (99F)
Note: This clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal. Definately made me hungry and lethargic.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
21 + 17.64 + 11.47 + 24 + 1 = 75.11 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative):0.64 + 0.47 = 1. 11 units squared
Note2: Total Area: 75.11 + 1.11 = 76.22 units squared.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 14.7min(5.83% Total time)
Measurement #2 of Placebo:
Intitial BG Measurement: 50mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 96mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4)
T+2hrs Measurement: 42mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.7C (98.2F)
Note: Again this clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
23 + 19.59 + 10.89 + 20 + 4 = 77.48 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement horizontal line:-0.59 – 0.89 = -1. 43 units squared
Note2: Total Area: 77.48 + 1.43 = 78.91 units squared.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 14.3min(5.97% Total time)
Measurement #3 of Placebo:
Intitial BG Measurement: 61mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 112mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 51mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
25.5 + 21.32 + 6.22 + 18 + 1 = 72.04 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement horizontal line(negative):
0.82 + 1.72 = 2.54 units squared
Note: Total Area: 77.48 + 1.43 = 74.58 units squared.
Note2: Again this clearly shows reactive hipoglycaemia(From T+1hr to T+3hrs), caused by the insulin surge of the High GI carb meal.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 21.03min(8.76% Total time)
Placebo Analysisositive Area Negative Area Total Area
(Units Squared)
Measurement 1: 75.11 1.11 76.22
Measurement 2: 77.48 1.43 78.91
Measurement 3: 72.04 2.54 74.58
Mean Area: 74.88 1.69 76.57
Time in Negative BG(Approx):
Measurement 1 : 14.7min(5.83%)
Measurement 2 : 14.3min(5.97%)
Measurement 3 : 21.03min(8.76%)
Supplement #2: CLA (Tonalin) Vitamin Shoppe Brand.
Dosages: 8g, 10g, 12g. (But Tonalin is 74-82% CLA by content)
So, taking an average of 78% CLA, we get;
Dose 1: 12g Tonalin CLA) = 9.36g CLA
Dose 2: 10g Tonalin CLA)= 7.8g CLA
Dose 3: 8g Tonalin CLA) = 6.24g CLA
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 12g Tonalin CLA: 9.36g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 48mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 61mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs measurement: 64mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.6C(97.9F)
Note: CLA stabilized BG levels for the 4hrs.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
6.5 + 13 + 11 + 16 + 9.5 + 16 + 3 = 75units squared.
Note: No reactive hypoglycaemia occurred like the placebo. CLA modulated the insulin surge from the pancreas, causing BG levels to not drop sharply...but instead they stabilized. This is how CLA works in diets and will be talked about later.
Dose 2: 10g Tonalin CLA: 7.8g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 96mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6 F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 117mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
T+3hrs measurement: 78mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 66mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1 F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12 + 24 + 10.5 +19.5 + 6 + 1.5 = 73.5 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative)(Approx):
(0.5)(6)(0.5) = 1.5 units squared
Note: Total Area: 73.5 + 1.5 = 75 units squared.
Note2: CLA stabilized BG readings after the high GI carb meal. But BG readings still dipped below initial BG reading after less than 4 hours.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial)(Approx): 30 min(12.5% of time)
Dose 3: 8g Tonalin CLA: 6.24g CLA by content
Intitial BG Measurement: 76mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat Food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 104mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 120mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
14 + 28 + 8 +19.36 = 69.36 units squared
Area under initial BG measurement(negative)(Approx):
3 + 5 + 0.36 = 8.36 units squared
Note: Total Area: 69.36 + 8.36 = 77.72 units squared.
Note2: CLA stabilized BG readings after the high GI carb meal. But BG readings still dipped below initial BG reading after less than 3 hours.
Note3: Time in Negative BG(Less than initial): 67.2min(28% of time)
CLA Analysis:
(Units Squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area Negative BG Time
Dose 1(12g)75.0 0.0 75.0 0.0
Dose 2(10g)73.5 1.5 75.0 30min(12.5%)
Dose 3(8g) 69.36 8.36 77.72 67.2min(28%)
As can be clearly seen, there exists a definite correlation between the amount of CLA needed per amount of carbs ingested. The 12g CLA completely stabilized BG levels after the initial spike(CLA is a fat, so it takes time to be digested and work), and they remained stable for 4 hours. The length of my BG analysis. The 10g and 8g doses stabilized BG levels for the first 3 hours. After that, BG levels dropped to below initial levels.
Supplement #3: GLA
Dosages: 1560mg GLA, 1300mg GLA, 1040mg GLA
(These dosages come from 1300mg Borage Oil Gel Caps containing 260mg GLA per gel cap). They are from the VitaminShoppe.
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 1560mg GLA(From 7800mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 59mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 72mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 79mg/dl Temp: 36.4C(97.5F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 73mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with this dosage of GLA included w/ high GI carb meal. BG levels spiked initially during the first hour then leveled off, and remained stable for the next 3 hours. Temperature did increase 0.6F from initial measurement to T=2hrs. This is statistically significant, and will be talked about later because GLA seems to have a slight thermogenic effect. Also, total area under blood glucose curve was smaller than placebo.
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12 + 13 + 5.5 + 13 + 3.5 + 14 + 3 = 64 units squared
Dose 2: 1300mg GLA(From 6500mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 81mg/dl Temp: 36.5C(97.7F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 117mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 101mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 94mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
Area under positive BG Curve = 18 + 20 + 8 + 13 + 3.5 + 9 + 2 = 73.5 units squared
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with GLA included w/ high GI carb meal.
Ending BG level > Initial BG level after T+4 hours. T+1hr BG Spike seen again like in GLA Dose #1.(1560mg GLA). Again, mean Temp. rose 0.5F from Initial BG temp to T=2hrs temp.
Dose 3: 1040mg GLA(From 5200mg Borage Oil)
Initial BG measurement: 83mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 129mg/dl Temp: 37.4C(99.5F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measuremen 104mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measuremen 81mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
23 + 7 + 19.5 + 7 + 7 + 2 + 11.5 = 77 units squared.
Note: No hypoglycaemic effect seen with GLA included w/ high GI carb meal.
Ending BG level = Initial BG level after T+4 hours. T+1hr BG Spike seen again like in GLA Dose #1.(1560mg GLA) and dose #2(1300mg GLA). BG fluctuations were more erratic in dose#3 than in dose #1 and #2. Seems that this is the smallest amount of GLA for the dosage of carbs ingested for BG levels not to go below initial. Again, mean Temp. rose 0.5F from Initial BG temp to T=1hr temp.
GLA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Max Temp increase(F) Total Area
Dose 1(1560mg): 64 0.6F 64
Dose 2(1300mg): 73.5 0.5F 73.5
Dose 3(1040mg): 77 0.5F 77
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(Units Squared)
64/76.57 = 83.58% = - 17.42% reduction in BG Area
73.5/76.57 = 95.99% = - 4.01% reduction in BG Area
77/76.57 = No Net Change Seen.
Supplement #4: R-ALA
Dosages: 200mg R-ALA, 400mg R-ALA , 600mg R-ALA.
(From AF and
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 200mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 110mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
20 + 10 + 15 + 5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 55 Units Squared
Dose 2: 400mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12.5 + 10 + 7.5 + 5 = 35 Units squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
0.5(10) = 5 Units squared
Dose 3: 600mg R-ALA
Initial BG measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
10 + 10 + 5 + 3.33 = 28.33 Units squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
5 + 2.5 + 0.83 = 8.33 Units squared
R-ALA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(200mg): 55.0 0.0 55.00
Dose 2(400mg): 35.0 5.0 40.00
Dose 3(600mg): 28.33 8.33 36.67
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(600mg R-ALA)(36.67 Units Squared) 36.67/76.57 = (1-47.89%) = 52.11% reduction
(400mg R-ALA)(40.00 Units Squared) 40.0/76.57 = (1-52.24%) = 47.76% reduction
(200mg R-ALA)(55.00 Units Squared) 55.0/76.57 = (1-71.83%) = 28.17% reduction
Supplement #5: ALA
Dosages: 600mg ALA, 1200mg ALA , 1800mg ALA.
(These dosages come from ALA)
Kilosports: Lot# C07351
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 600mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
17.5 + 22.5 + 17.5 = 57.5 Units Squared
Dose 2: 1200mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 2.5 + 2.5 = 45 Units Squared
Dose 3: 1800mg ALA
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 36.8C (98.2F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
12.5 + 10 + 7.5 + 5 = 35 Units Squared
Area under negative BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
(0.5)(10) = 5.0 Units Squared
ALA Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(600mg): 57.5 0.0 55.00
Dose 2(1200mg) 45.0 0.0 45.00
Dose 3(1800mg): 35.0 5.0 40.00
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(1800mg ALA)(40.00 Units Squared) 40.00/76.57 = (1-52.24%) = 47.76% reduction
(1200mg ALA)(45.00 Units Squared) 45.00/76.57 = (1- 58.77%) = 41.23% reduction
(600mg ALA)(57.50 Units Squared) 57.50/76.57 = (1- 75.09%) = 24.91% reduction
Supplement #6: Acety-L-Carnitine
Dosages: 1000mg AlCar, 2000mg ALCar , 3000mg ALCar
Food = 500kcal, 6g Fat, 14.3g protein, 98g Carbs (Sugars = 47.5g)
Nutrient breakdown = 11% Fat/ 11% Protein / 78% carbs (Fibre = 1.5g)
Dose 1: 1000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 60mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 80mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 20 + 25 + 15 = 75.0 Units Squared
Dose 2: 2000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 70mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 100mg/dl Temp: 36.7C(98.1F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 36.8C(98.2F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 85mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 36.9C(98.4F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 25 + 17.5 + 10 = 67.5 Units Squared
Dose 3: 3000mg Acetyl-L-Carnitine
Initial BG measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
(Eat food as described above)
T+1hr Measurement: 95mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+2hrs Measurement: 90mg/dl Temp: 37.2C(99.0F)
T+3hrs Measurement: 75mg/dl Temp: 37.1C(98.8F)
T+4hrs Measurement: 65mg/dl Temp: 37.0C(98.6F)
Area under positive BG Curve(Taking initial BG measurement as the horizontal) =
15 + 25 + 12.5 + 12.5 = 65.0 Units Squared
ALCar Analysis:
(Units squared)
Positive Area Negative Area Total Area
Dose 1(1000mg): 75.0 0.0 75.00
Dose 2(2000mg): 67.5 0.0 67.50
Dose 3(3000mg): 65.0 0.0 65.00
Comparison to Placebo:
Placebo: 76.57 units squared(mean total Area)
(3000mg ALCar)(65.00 Units Squared) 65.00/76.57 =(1-84.89%) = 15.11% reduction
(2000mg ALCar)(67.50 Units Squared) 67.50/76.57 =(1-88.15%) = 11.85% reduction
(1000mg ALCar)(75.00 Units Squared) 75.00/76.57 =(1-97.95%) = 2.05% reduction
Next post.