Glutamine intake?


Just wondering what is the standard dose of glutamine a person should be taking in a day? I'm currently using Isopure, so should I add more glutamine to the meal replacement, or is the amount that's already present good enough? Also, should I take it all at once, or spread it out through the day? Thanks a million.
I used to take 5 grams before a workout, and sometimes a little in the morning. Didn't help me much. But good luck with it, let us know what happens
\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:
I used to take 5 grams before a workout, and sometimes a little in the morning. Didn't help me much. But good luck with it, let us know what happens

Glutamine is essential for any weightlifter, bodybuilder or athlete. The more or harder you train the more you use up these muscle stores of creatine and glutamine. This is why these supplements are among the most popular, because fo effective recovery and strength gain you MUST replenish them. My personal belief is that individuals who DO NOT see benefits from these products are not none responders, but rather are working out very hard and not using enough of the supplement to proparly rplenish and recover from there workouts or simply not drinking enough water.

5 grams before your workout and a little in the morning of glutamine is not enough. On the back of the bottle of VPX's glutamine supp. It states 5 before and after your workout and 5 before bed to maximize GH output.
These companies research their prducts it's not a ploy to get you to spend more money.

With creatine for example most companies recomend 5 grams per day. Well if I weigh 225 and you weigh 185, what would make you think we would have the same creatine requirement. I need more grams of protien per day right. More Calories to maintain my muscle. So why would creatine requirements be any different.

To find your right amount of any supp. Start at the lowest dosage and work your way up till you notice results. I currently take 15 grams of creatine a day along with 25 grams of glutamine.
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Aboot said:
How are you measuring your recovery time declining by 50%? By what method?

Just by the days i'm sore, my strength and energy levels. I've found out that half the stuff you read isn't correct because it's not written with you in mind. We are all different people, therefore we have different needs. That is the point I was trying to make.
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Do you feel that you get nothing from Glutamine supplementation. What are your personal thought Aboot, not an articles.
Easto said:
Glutamine is a waste of money

So next your going to submit an article not written by you right. Everyone can say something negative, but but list your own experiences. List you dosages, how much you were weighing at the time. I can list a thousand articles that say glutamine is not a waste, and they are not from supplement companies. I have a friend who played college football for Mississippi state a few years back and he swears by it.
You spend your money on glutamine and I will spend mine on supplements I like.

What's the point in posting articles. If I don't like a supplement, I'm not going to take it because an article says I should.

You can post 10 articles that say it is good and 10 that say it is a waste.

That's when you resort back to personal experience.

If you like it, then use it.

If you don't think it is worth the $$$, then don't use it.

Pretty simple.
Yeah i know that's what iv'e been saying It's up to you. Yet I've had 2 different moderator try to prove me wrong that I feel it works. If that's how you feel why did you reply to my post sayin it doesn't work.
Same difference. Doesn't work/waste of money, obviously you wouldn't consider something a waste of $ if it worked.
I felt like my recovery time was a little better...Whether it's worth the cost for that small amount earlier, Im not sure...
The_Chemist said:
I felt like my recovery time was a little better...Whether it's worth the cost for that small amount earlier, Im not sure... 1000g of Glutamine $26.99
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You people are crazy. I've been taking glutamine for years and the shit works. If I have a constant amount of glutamine in my body I notice a HUGE difference. I take 20 grams pre-workout and 30 grams post and 10 before bed. i recommend not taken the heavy dosage if your stomach can't handle it. "Glutamine doesn't work" let me guess protein is a waste as well?
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