Goin to Mexico soon, what can I get and bring across borders safely?


New member
Driving into mexico, wondering if it is legal to bring clomid, nolvadex, arimidex and/0r HCG across border?
boooger said:
No brother, it isn't legal to bring an illegal substance into the USA.

none of those things are illegal. none of them are even controlled substances except for HCG, and that varies by state.

but.... they are mostly designed for women, and those are likely the only prescribed uses, so they could hassle you about it and possibly not allow them in.

HCG can be used by men for infertility treatment, but injectible medications are usually not allowed.

I wouldn't claim them...

I've brought all of them across, and they were looked at, but they let them in. I don't do it anymore though.