Going on my first cycle - calories?


New member
Hey guys

As I've stated before, I want to go on my first cycle. I already have my gear (500 mg sustanon for 12 weeks, Nolvadex and Hcg for PCT).

What I want to know is this;

If I want to gain lean muscle, how much should I up my calories? I am currently on a bulking diet on 3250 cals , and I wish to gain as little amount of fat, as possible.

I am 184 cm
My weight is 82 kg
BF: appr. 15%
I am 24 years old

Best regards! I would like to thank you for your replies!
Hey man!

I have already read that thread, and I have tried my very best to ask, search and study about this matter.
I am turning 25 in 3 months, and I am healthy as the next guy. What do you mean by half-assesing ?

Thanks! I really want to learn!
Hey man!

I have already read that thread, and I have tried my very best to ask, search and study about this matter.
I am turning 25 in 3 months, and I am healthy as the next guy. What do you mean by half-assesing ?

Thanks! I really want to learn!

He said half-ASSing lol.

Where's your AI?

Where's your clomid?

Why the hell are you running hCG in PCT????

I doubt you did read that thread in it's entirety but... you need to read it again. And all the threads it links to, its valuable information and your likely to fuck yourself up big time playing around with hormones and not knowing what your doing.
He said half-ASSing lol.

Where's your AI?

Where's your clomid?

Why the hell are you running hCG in PCT????

I doubt you did read that thread in it's entirety but... you need to read it again. And all the threads it links to, its valuable information and your likely to fuck yourself up big time playing around with hormones and not knowing what your doing.

Sorry, didnt realize he said ass. I do have clomid, nolva and hcg, and this is what I want to do with it

Clomid: 100mg/ 50mg/ 50mg
Nolva: 40mg/30mg/ 20mg

I meant hcg as PCT as it was my understanding, that it was to be taken after the cycle. I may have misunderstood.
I really dont get what you think I am doing wrong. I must apologize for coming out this ignorant, but I dont know what seems to be the issue, as I have everything according to the suggestions.
Sorry, didnt realize he said ass. I do have clomid, nolva and hcg, and this is what I want to do with it

Clomid: 100mg/ 50mg/ 50mg
Nolva: 40mg/30mg/ 20mg

I meant hcg as PCT as it was my understanding, that it was to be taken after the cycle. I may have misunderstood.
I really dont get what you think I am doing wrong. I must apologize for coming out this ignorant, but I dont know what seems to be the issue, as I have everything according to the suggestions.

HCG is suppressive, which is why it doesn't belong in PCT - you should use it while on cycle to keep your balls happy.

Out of curiosity, where did you get the info to use hcg in pct?
Again...I'm very interested to hear where you got that information from :)

It should be ran throughout your cycle from week 1, for all the info you'll ever need on hcg:


HCG Dosage
Smaller doses, more frequently during a cycle will give best overall results with least unwanted side effects. Somewhere between 500IU and 1000IU per day would be best over about a two-week period. These doses are sufficient to avoid/rectify testicular atrophy without increasing oestrogen levels too dramatically and risking gynecomastia. This dosing schedule also avoids the risk of permanently down-regulating the LH receptors in the testes.

It is important for the HCG administration to have been completed with 6 or 7 clear days before the onset of post cycle therapy (pct) in order to avoid inhibition of the Nolvadex and/or Clomid therapy. Also, a small daily dose (10-20mg) of Nolvadex would normally be used in conjunction with HCG in order to prevent oestrogenic symptoms caused by sudden increases in aromatisation.

Presentation and Administration of HCG
Synthetic HCG is often known as Pregnyl (generic name) and is available in 2500iu and 5000iu (not ideal for the above doses!). Administration of the compound is either by intra-muscular or subcutaneous injection. It comes as a powder which needs to be mixed with the sterile water. The powder is temperature-sensitive prior to mixing and should not be exposed to direct heat. After mixing, it should be kept refrigerated and used within a few weeks - though there are sterility issues which need to be considered after mixing.

Summary and Presentation of Clomid and HCG
Clomid and/or Nolvadex are more effective than HCG post cycle, but some long-term users like to use HCG during a cycle, or to prepare the testes for Clomid and/or Nolvadex therapy.

Source : steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/605983-info-post-cycle-therapy-pct-ai-s.html

I may have misread it, I suppose. :-)
It says in the first sentence that its best to use on cycle! Seriously, read the contents of the link. Don't just skim through real quick. Your missing valuable components to your cycle. Don't cheap out!
There is a reason the post you quoted isn't a sticky - its full of nonsense :)

Your response also suggests that you don't know when to stop the cycle & start pct so...
Read the things that are worth reading - the stickies, they literally answer everything you've asked in this thread dude.
Sorry, didnt realize he said ass. I do have clomid, nolva and hcg, and this is what I want to do with it

Clomid: 100mg/ 50mg/ 50mg
Nolva: 40mg/30mg/ 20mg

I meant hcg as PCT as it was my understanding, that it was to be taken after the cycle. I may have misunderstood.
I really dont get what you think I am doing wrong. I must apologize for coming out this ignorant, but I dont know what seems to be the issue, as I have everything according to the suggestions.

You have not answered the aromatase inhibitor (AI) question yet. Any particular reason?

What is your blood work plan?

What will your diet look like?

When do you plan on starting PCT in respect to your last injection?

Pinning frequency of the Sust? How long will you run it for? Dosage?

hCG dosage and pinning frequency?

Let's see your whole cycle spelled out in detail.
HCG is suppressive, which is why it doesn't belong in PCT - you should use it while on cycle to keep your balls happy.

Out of curiosity, where did you get the info to use hcg in pct?

What are you doing in a noob thread? You don't belong here, get out! :stickpoke

Go start a detailed discussion or wright an article or something for the rest of us commonfolk haha :p
This is going downhill very fast. You need an A.I. and a little more studying bud. Listen to them ^^^^^. It is tough to hear but they mean well and are knowledgeable!
Thank you for all of your replies. I hope that you would accept my apologizes, if I sound stupid. I am truly sorry, and humble to all of your experience, and I really do appreciate everything that you take your time to write!

You have not answered the aromatase inhibitor (AI) question yet. Any particular reason?

What is your blood work plan?

What will your diet look like?

When do you plan on starting PCT in respect to your last injection?

Pinning frequency of the Sust? How long will you run it for? Dosage?

hCG dosage and pinning frequency?

Let's see your whole cycle spelled out in detail.

Regarding the AI, I was told by my "guy" (supplier) that I only would need it, if I have bloat and/or gyno problems during the cycle. Since it was my first cycle it would be good to have at hand, but not necessary. That was what I was told anyway.

My bloodwork - do you mean a blood sample? If thats the case, then I did have one two weeks ago, and everything seemed fine. The doctor didnt care to elaborate what that meant, but she said that I was healthy.

I have enought sustanon to take 2 x 250 mg of injections pr week, for 11 weeks. I would wait 3 weeks after the last injection of sustanon, to start my pct.

My current diet is 185 grams of protein, 450 grams of carbs, and 90 grams of fat. Appr. 3300 calories. Thought about getting more protein in, but I am not sure how much would be required.

Thought about - after this thread - injecting 500iu/week after 4 weeks, and continue this until my pct.

My pct would be a combination of nolva and clomid for 3 weeks.
Thank you for all of your replies. I hope that you would accept my apologizes, if I sound stupid. I am truly sorry, and humble to all of your experience, and I really do appreciate everything that you take your time to write!

Regarding the AI, I was told by my "guy" (supplier) that I only would need it, if I have bloat and/or gyno problems during the cycle. Since it was my first cycle it would be good to have at hand, but not necessary. That was what I was told anyway.

My bloodwork - do you mean a blood sample? If thats the case, then I did have one two weeks ago, and everything seemed fine. The doctor didnt care to elaborate what that meant, but she said that I was healthy.

I have enought sustanon to take 2 x 250 mg of injections pr week, for 11 weeks. I would wait 3 weeks after the last injection of sustanon, to start my pct.

My current diet is 185 grams of protein, 450 grams of carbs, and 90 grams of fat. Appr. 3300 calories. Thought about getting more protein in, but I am not sure how much would be required.

Thought about - after this thread - injecting 500iu/week after 4 weeks, and continue this until my pct.

My pct would be a combination of nolva and clomid for 3 weeks.

You have a whole lot of things wrong in this post. You are not ready for a cycle. You don't know what you are doing. How about trying to learn instead of going of what your "guy" told you -- which is wrong by the way.

So when are you going to read this thread and start learning?

Basically, you've got the correct compounds, but the wrong information on using them OP

Sustanon - wks 1-12 @ 250mg x 2 per week every 3.5 days (IM)
HCG - wks 1-14 @ 250iu x 2 per week (SubQ) - stop 2 days before commencing PCT
Clomid - wks 15-18 @ 50mg per day
Nolvadex - wks 15-18 @ 40mg per day (2wks) 20mg per day (2wks)
NAC @ 600mg daily

Personally at these doses of Sust, I wouldn't run an AI from the start - but ensure you have some Arimidex or Aromasim on hand should sides appear

(Sustanon isn't a great form of test due to it's content of different esters - but if it's all you've got, then run with it)

NB: You've caught me on a good day... the guys are totally correct, you really need to research and read extensively before running a cycle. I'd guess that this is your first cycle?
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An ai isn't something to have on hand. If something happens, its too late for an ai. An ai manages e2. You seriously need to read!!!