Going to run the Tren beast

This is for the Tren users. After Finally cleaning up my act and getting my shit in order. Im planning on taking the dive back in. Always been curious/fascinated with Tren. Seeing what peoples thoughts would be on it using it for a first timer. If 35mg ED would be a good starting plateau for the first couple days to see how i react, then jump up to 50mg ED, see how i react. Then 75mg ED.

I planned on running
Test Prop @ 50mg ED 1-10
Tren Ace @ (depends on reaction) ED (Depends on reaction maybe 10 weeks)
D-bol @ 40-50mg ED 1-6 weeks
Arimedex/Aromasin depending on availability @ ED 1-10
Liver supports as usual
PCT as usual

Ive been injured for the past going on 3 years, I want to try Tren since I heard that is the one thing to give the most amazing results. And I want to blow back up to the 235lbs I use to be. And then proceed from there.

Now for the D-bol, Ive ran it before for 8 weeks a couple times, with blood work, And it did not effect me at all. All my levels stayed within normal. No concerns. Just would like to see what is to be expected and (guesstimated) results others have had. This cycle is mostly to speed up my recovery times from the surgeries i recently had.
May aswell just start with 50mg ed. It's stilll a pretty low dose.

What surgeries have you had? And how long ago? I would avoid cycling especially if your still recovering... And especially more so a cycle including tren when you've been out of the gym for a while. Tren brings massive strength gains, plus the dbol alongside it... Very likely to hurt some connective tissues.

If you insist on using something.. HGH and/or peptides would be the way to go... They can actually assist with healing. Tren certainly won't.
Ankle surgeries. Cant really elaborate for specific reasons.

they are what they are. I have to wear braces for when i lift from now on as it is. So Im not realistically worried about injuring them anymore than they have been. I just cant do certain leg workouts is all
ive did 75mgs of my homemade FINA with great results, i was a dickhead tho forreal. 50mgs a day would be ideal for you. whatever does you start you might as well stay at that till the end. You should watch what your taking with those injuries though bro, you might end up with more. keep those joints lubricated.....
How long have you been training recently? Since your injury.

little over a month. Physical therapy and what not routines. I'm aiming to just speed up the process. Obviously Leg work outs will be monitored, Im not going "balls deep" as I would love to go, just for the precautions of not reinjuring. Doctors say Im healthier than any people they see. And my primary knows I run/ran before, he said I'd be more than ok at this point. Just have to be cautious

ive did 75mgs of my homemade FINA with great results, i was a dickhead tho forreal. 50mgs a day would be ideal for you. whatever does you start you might as well stay at that till the end. You should watch what your taking with those injuries though bro, you might end up with more. keep those joints lubricated.....

I had problems with joint lube before. I added Fish & Krill oil into the setup. That fixed me up real quick. Never had joint problems again. Only thing that bothered me was the nasty ass fish burps
idk man. if youve only been training for just over a month your muscles/tendons/joints might not be ready for tren. you would probably fair well with a simple test cycle, maybe low dose deca for joint relief. use this cycle to get your base back then jump onto a hard cycle when you've fully recovered. my .02
idk man. if youve only been training for just over a month your muscles/tendons/joints might not be ready for tren. you would probably fair well with a simple test cycle, maybe low dose deca for joint relief. use this cycle to get your base back then jump onto a hard cycle when you've fully recovered. my .02

I've contemplated that a bit. Doing just a prop to E cycle with dbol, then see how i am a few weeks after the dbol is out. Then run tren, on a cruise with E. I just didnt want to run the Tren with test alone... I wanted something else to stack on in there with it.