Gonna do tren conversion now... someone help me out right now?


Knows whats up
1. crush pellets and put them in solution (do i add any sterile oil yet or let it dissolve?)
2. take 2ml sterile oil put aside, put the rest with the dissolved pellets in the solution...
3. put the oil and solution/pellet vial in hot water to help dissolve...
4. how do i know when its dissolved enough to draw it out and run it through a filter??
can someone critique this and guide me in the right direction... i want to do this tonight... thanks
panteracfh said:
1. crush pellets and put them in solution (do i add any sterile oil yet or let it dissolve?)
2. take 2ml sterile oil put aside, put the rest with the dissolved pellets in the solution...
3. put the oil and solution/pellet vial in hot water to help dissolve...
4. how do i know when its dissolved enough to draw it out and run it through a filter??
can someone critique this and guide me in the right direction... i want to do this tonight... thanks

you dont have to crush pellets. place in solvent and put on eye of the stove on low. swirl occassionally. after it dissoves (15 minutes) add it to the oil or oil to it which ever bottle is bigger. shake til it mixes thouroughly. place back on stove on low and it will seperate in about 15 minutes. draw the gold off and filter. leave the gunk on the bottom. do not t4ry to filter this. bake in oven for an hour after that on 250 and its all done. make sure to put a pin it when you put it in oven. happy experimenting. make sure you have a pin in vial whenever you heat it.
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should be fine. if you heated it a lot during mixing and filtering process it could have darkened it a bit. it is fine enjoy
ok... cool... i appreciate your help... getting quick responses like that makes a big difference... good looking out...
I've never tried heating it to make it dissolve and mixing the oil then heating again, and drawing off the gold . does this method work better for you?
chatbear said:
I've never tried heating it to make it dissolve and mixing the oil then heating again, and drawing off the gold . does this method work better for you?

yup a lot quicker as well if im doin it the old fasion way with pellets. the heat breaks the pellets up in about 10 minutes or so with an occasional swirl. after adding oil and thouroughly mixing the heat seperates the gunk from the gold and it settles to bottom, becomes hard and sticks to the bottom. this step only takes a short time as well. not sure of exact temp but on the hot plate the vial will be very hot to the touch.