Good / Bad stories about Tren?


New member
My source has recently added Tren to his list of available injectibles. In the past I have never considered it because it had not been readily available, but after doing some research I may give it a shot. Anyone have some good or bad stories about their cycle with Tren?
I would like to do another 12 week cycle. Something like this
Week 1-4 40 mg Dbol
Week 1-12 Sustonon 500 mg weekly
Week 8-12 Winstrol (winny) 50 mg ed

I need to know where to throw in the Tren (if necessary at all)? This will be my third cycle. First cycle light test only, second cycle Dbol and Sustanon (sust) (it worked well). I'm currently 29, 215 lbs about 7-8% and have been lifting hard for about 8 years. Not huge, but very defined. I like the "beach muscle" look.
Die$eL~Man said:
GOOD STORY = you get big as balls & ripped

Bad Story = makes you REALLY friggin CRAZZZZZZZY !
SWEEEET! I'm crazy already, so maybe it will have a reverse effect on me and calm me down.:D
Did you make your own? The tren my source has is 100mg per, does that sound about right?
i would run it from begin to end. you would be better off making your own it is very to do and get. need i mention it is a thousand times cheaper
If its your first time with tren i would run it at 75mgs to 100mgs eod.
Why don't you leave out the winni and substitute the tren for weeks 6-12.;)
bigEge said:
SWEEEET! I'm crazy already, so maybe it will have a reverse effect on me and calm me down.:D
Did you make your own? The tren my source has is 100mg per, does that sound about right?

YEAH THATS RIGHT... i went eod with it.... if its real good you can taste it like 30 secs after injection.....
jarbulldog said:
i would run it from begin to end. you would be better off making your own it is very to do and get. need i mention it is a thousand times cheaper
Jar. I know it's a lot cheaper, but I don't have the first clue where to start. Plus, I have to hide it from my wife so I have no place to make it. I think I am getting a good deal on price. Can you PM me with an average cost for a 120ml bottle? Anyone?
alfa23 said:
is it really that bad???

3 of my friends and i took it together..... we all had the same sides... i never believed in that roid rage crap BUT tren i can say makes ya a little edgy to say the least...
the roid rage i think is what people want to believe, so it gives em an on it now, have trouble sleeping--but im not going around
looking for trouble

just my 2 drachmas
Good it's grrrrreeeeeaaaaattttttt!! I love it!! I dont' think I want to stop taking it.. 100mg ed!!

The only problem I'm having with it is that I'm trying it without test and the fina dick is no joke I have very little sex drive and it takes me awhile to get a hard-on unless the girl is just hot as hell..

As far as the temper thing goes, my first two cycles of it I could definitley tell the difference one minute I would be flying off the handle over nothing the next minute I would be back to my laid back self.. Now I'm used to it and have no "rage" issues..
The good news is that it is hands down one of the most powerful, effective, cheapest steroids on the market that gives you incredible strength, vascularity, fat loss, and some decent mass/size short, it is the SHIZNIT!

The bad news for most of us is simple...we are quickly agitated and easily angered while on it. Some have sworn they will never use it again because it almost destroyed their marriages.
I lost a girlfriend while on it years ago. The longer I have taken it, the less of a complete dick I am on it...but 10 years ago i was a complete ass when I started it. TREN RAGE, FINA ANGER.
Good info, i plan on running tren in my next cycle. I have a bad temper as is, im going to need to really learn to control it, or things might get off the handle fast. Thanks for the heads up everyone.

Great great stuff, just ran it my first time. I got much more intensity in my workouts, and my strength and endurance were going up very quickly.I was in my 10th week and things had slowed down, then tren and in a week, WOW. The only bad thing I would say is it fucks with my head. Seemed like I was in a daze. Also had some twisted dreams while on it. Cant wait to do it again.
I've done plenty of gear over the years. I tried tren for the first time several months ago. I was very leary about it but I researched here on how to make it and figured I'd try it.

I love it. Ran 75 mgs ED along with 500 mgs/week of cyp. Best combo I've ever done. I was a bit on edge, but nothing I couldnt control as far as my mood. Good results and no problems.
tren is the shit, i have had excellent gains from it, i do not think it gives you rage, me personally i can tell when i am starting to loss it, so i take a step back and time out. the only bad thing i can say about it is that it gives me very bad night sweats and it is very hard to sleep at night. as to your qustion on a good price, the broad frowns upon price talking, also i make my own so i would not enough know a good price on it.
should you worry if you already have a temper? and what about the fina cock? is that really common? i want to make my own, but dont want these 2 sides. ill deal if need be, but i hope its not as common as im reading.