Good / Bad stories about Tren?

I've ran it alone for a couple months and felt like hell and very pissed off at everything/everbody/anything. That was at 75-100mg/ED.
Then I ran the exact same stuff 6 months later with 100mg/prop ED with 100mg/tren/ED and didn't feel the mean/evil/cranky as shit I did at all.
I've concluded that you need test to level out your emotions with the shit. I don't believe the brain was designed to run on tren. However we all know the good feeling test can give you.

I believe in using test as a base for that reason alone. Many people repeat that and never think about why they're repeating what they've read. I think it just hels the brain function better especially since the endogenous test is knocked down in the dirt with most any roid at any effective dose.
So now I'm one of these guys that advocate to run a little test even if it's just 200mg/wk for brain function along with wtf ever is being used.
i was only on it for about 3 1/2 weeks or so, got tired of the EOD pokes... i was in a bad mood alot more, and it wasn't in my head, cause i didn't want to feel like that... i got more frustrated more often, didn't like the feeling really... just my experience
TREN is everything anybody says about it!!! it is the most awesome drug out there. after a week you get so damn hard( i mean your muscles, you pervs) that you dont even have to flex. the only sorta negative i cant believe nobody mentioned is: FINA COUGH!!! but it is not bad enough to deter you from taking it. but like it was said a million times : take w/ TEST!!!!
bump that!

also what about the brown smelly piss? or am i just a freak? lol. as far as the rage i would say that for me i never really experienced this from any aas. i will say that it made me more of a heartless, cold person, but no roid rage. but some people do. the fina dick,cough, night sweats, loss of sleep i 100% agree with.
Tren is fucking awesome and home made tren is even better! Love making it; love using it!

On 1g/week now and temper is fine. Night sweats and generaly running very hot, but BP is within limits. Strength is as you would expect...CRAZY. Horny as fuck. Running 1g prop as well.
Tren enanthate could be taken once a week although twice a week is better. Tren Ace needs to be shot EOD at the minimum. ED is better.
I used almost every mainstream roid multiple times over the last 4 or 5 years.... Just tren once

I ran 75mg ed for 5 weeks and in the gym it was good; solid gains, kept me hard and almost a dry grainy look.(Like dorian back in the day, hard and dry). I couldn't believe how hard and solid i looked/felt even at 16-18% bf. Strength was great, in week 2 i started repping what i used to hit for maxes and by week 5 i had put a good 40 or 50lbs on my bench.

the bad part... i followed a guy home that cut me off on the expressway and nearly killed him, almost punched my girlfriend a few different occasions for mo valid reason and i've never hit a woman, nearly popped a few guys out in the gym for using dumbells i had set aside for drop sets, just on and on and on.... I flipped out more times in 5 weeks then I had the previous 27 years of my life.

but some guys have no problems with it...


It certainly did seem to effect my temper quite a bit. I'm a very mild mannered person, but when on Tren traffic certainly became more of a lesson in self control rather than a nuisance.

However, we could attribute the increase in temper to the hot flashes and panic attacks I was having at around oh...3 am pretty frequently:eek: I definitely see how Tren is a fat burner...after waking up quite a few mornings feeling as if I had just done wind-sprints with my heart pounding. Also, I feel it gives the body quite a through cleansing considering that after some shots you feel as if you just decided to huff a bottle of rubbing alcohol.:D

Now, dont get me wrong I did enjoy the nice lean gains and great strength that came with my Tren use, but I will never use again.
Also, if you buy Tren that is made from the powder you probably wont expereince "Fina cough". Just as most other will probably have to try it before you can really know how your body react.

I'm on my first cycle now. Combined the Tren 50mg every 3rd day with Deca300 QV. The tren I've just done 3 cc up to know and yes I can see the strainth increase. It's fucking incredible. Should I mention that it also hurts like a m/f. Allot more than the Deca. For some reason it takes longer to disolve in my but sheeks. I've gained 18 lbs already and I still have 1 more shot of Deca & 7 more of Tren.
how is tren as far as the side effects like acne and hair loss go? Are they very likely to occur? Or not? Also what is good to take with it to help with these sides if they do occur.
Good= Good strength gains and helped to cut me up. Lots of LEAN muscle.
Bad = got prolactin gyno and it is a pain in the ass!!
residentevil said:
how is tren as far as the side effects like acne and hair loss go? Are they very likely to occur? Or not? Also what is good to take with it to help with these sides if they do occur.

For me ...Hair loss was pretty bad, but im prone to MPB so I just shave my head;) WAs on d-bol as well so it could've been combo of the 2.

KMACK said:
bump that!

also what about the brown smelly piss? or am i just a freak?

well, i cant debate whether or not you are a freak, but i do get what i call "tuna piss" . dark, yellowy/orange piss that smells like someone just cracked open a can of chicken of the sea. i believe (and it's worked so far) that you aren't drinking enough water. i can tell the days i drink a gallon or two, i have nice clean piss. the days i slack on the water---tuna piss. its not funny though, from what i have heard it is caused by strain on the kidneys/liver and is actually small amounts of blood in the urine. SO KEEP UP ON THE WATER!!!
I haven't had any hair loss yet. I have noticed that my body is getting leaner though. My ass hurts like for 3 days after i shoot up, OI'm doing icc of 50mg every third day. The power it gives is great.
Ozzy27 said:
How long did it take most of you start to feel the Tren kick in ?

Youll start to notice by the end of your first week depending on how you run it...very fast acting.

i broke out real bad on some homemade tren. after 2 weeks i was really starting to cut up and kick ass in the gym. but i felt constantly agitated. i had to cut it short after 2 weeks because i found myself stopping in the middle of traffic too often to try and fight.

I really knew there was trouble when i realized i was considering becoming a bouncer and thought it would be great to kick peoples asses legally. 2 weeks and i was through with that.