Good / Bad stories about Tren?

Tren is the only steroid that makes me fucking insane. If I take it with dbol I dont feel those homicidal urges though. Dbol is like Zoloft for me. Also Im even easy going on 150mg of Anapolan a day, but tren?:flamingma
I'm on week 3 of Tren 85mg eod and the strength gains have been great. steady additions of reps here and there, weights are slowly climbing. I have noticed a small decrease in bf (around 1% most likely), and my workout energy is great. No sides yet . . .knock on wood.
It's really hard on your lungs...that's what's scary about tren to me. That and the leaky nipples and always ready to snap.
Nope . . I only do light cardio; (moderate walks on the treadmill for 45min) and am on tren + prop. Nothing here
I know you guys are talking about Tren Ace, I am on 1g of Tren Enan a week at the moment and to be honest dont rate it as high as everyone else....

I have been on 1g of Test Enan per week for 6 weeks and almost 3 weeks ago started with 1g of Tren Enan per week plus the Test, so far I havent noticed anything special... I know that it is alittle to early to pass judgement since it gets very good feedback.... I also made it myself so its dosed correctly...
I did notice that "tuna piss' change so it must be in my system, I was thinking of dropping it next week if I dont notice any change since it was too expensive to waste, and I am gettin good gains from the test alone....