good first h-drol cycle?


New member
hey guys, a buddy of mine recommended this forum to me and its awesome! i was wondering if you guys can give me some feedback on this cycle?

I am 6'0 181 lbs with about 17% BF and 24 years old. I work out about 5 times a week

im planning on running my first PH cycle (never done PH or AAS) for a recomp..tryna get rid of some left over gyno from puberty and get rid of some bf% as well as gain some muscle. ( i am a hard gainer)

preloading with cycle assist as well as during and post cycle.

planning on running the h-drol at 50/50/75/75/75/75

nolva + cycle assist for PCT

throughout the whole thing i will be stacking with whey and creatine

right now my macro ranges are at:

2000-2400 cal
170-200 Protien
230-260 carbs
45-52 Fat

my diet is not -completely- clean but i have completely cut out anything with a drive through and soda out of my life and am working on cleaning up my diet further.

so a couple of questions:

1)does this look like a good cycle for you guys?

2)Should i adjust my cal/macros up or down?

3)is nolva + cycle assist enough for PCT?

4) i currently dont do any cardio for fear of not gaining any muscle (since im already a hard gainer). should i add cardio into my workout? if so how much?

Thanks in advance for the help!
how long have you been training with a purpose?

the reason you're a "hard-gainer" is because you're 6'1" 180lb and only taking in 2000-2400 cals a day. I'm not going to do the actual calculations (you can figure them out) but thats about what you'd need to cut weight. and is why you're not gaining muscle.

look at your diet before you look at steroids.

make a goal. achieve it. repeat.

IMO either go for mass or go for getting rid of your excess fat - doing both at the same time is hard - even with steroids.

1)macros up
2)add cardio - the health benefits outweigh the extra cals you'll have to take in to keep gaining. always do some type of cardio.
Preloading with hawthorn berry and milk thistle is more cost efficient then cycle assist, save that for on cycle. Just throwing that out there.. If you feel good with hdrol @ 75mg, bump it up to 100mg for the last two weeks. I loved it!

Nolva and Pct assist should be enough, but most people like to add inhibit-e for aromtase inhibitor (lowers estrogen levels) and lean xtreme for anti-cortisol. You can also add some DAA (test booster) as well.
Thanks for the input guys! i usually take a cafinne pill before work out. i imagine that thats not wise to do on cycle?
Hdrol will boost your blood pressure, I wouldn't add any type of stimulant.. You'll start getting headaches, that means no pre-workouts (jack3d, etc).. The hdrol should give you a nice pump in the gym, if you start feeling lethargic take some DHEA @ 50mg to start.
I would save the creatine for pct. Up the cals a bit or a lot actually and you'll be fine.

I would increase your creatine intake if anything just make sure your downing a ton of water, Take advantage of the power of creatine + whatever you take for maximum results!

- Need To Build Muscle Inc. Official Blog

BUT it definitely looks like you could do without a PH and could get what you want, just eat 500 under maintenance and bust your ass in the gym, take your time with it man you could without a doubt grow a ton more easily without anything. I hit a plateau of 245lbs and after dieting 2-3x leaning up and then trying to break 245 it didn't happen so try and try again until you really feel like your at that wall. Gotta try different things!
Yeah, i just haven't been getting any results no matter what diet i try. if i eat 500 under maintenance i wont gain any muscle and the fat doesn't seem to come off, and if i eat above maintenance, i gain a little muscle but not much and the fat stays on :/
Ive ran a decent amount of Cel Hdro cycles in the past but I guess I'm wondering where the rest of your supports are? Unless I missed them. I usually start preloading all my supports a couple weeks before. Ie. FISH OIL, hawthorne berries, milk thistle, taurine, green tea, the list can go on. If you would like a list of what I usually take I can post it if that will help. Another thing you could look into is the N2guard that seems to be floating around in all the forums now. I have some of that on order right now so I will be using that with my other supports during the next cycle. If you are worried about the gyno look for some letro and IF you should choose to go down that road look into a couple other forums and there is some VERY usefull posts about how to use it, dose, it, when to start and stop ect.