Good plan for cutting?


New member
I am about to start a cycle to lean down and lose bodyfat while keeping my muscle mass. This is a diet that I came up with that is low in carbs and calories to help me lose bodyfat. I am about 6'4 and 320lbs and I want to get down to around 280lbs. Tell me what you think of this meal plan:

9:00am - 8 eggs, 1 yoke the rest whites

Work out and run 9:30-11

11:00am- 50g Protien Shake

2:00pm - 1 chicken breast and a half of a baked patatoe or veggies

5:30pm - 50g Protien Shake or Meat

8:30pm - 1 Can of Tuna

11:00pm 50g Protien Shake
I hope you're on a ton of gear with a diet like that. Are you?

Regardless, your protein is far too low. Eat more meat. Eat more fat in there, too. Like whole eggs.

You're eating a whopping 1200 calories a day when you're burning probably over 4000 a day. That's almost a 3000 calorie a day deficit. Even if you're on serious gear, this is far too low. You also have an extremely low 8% calories from fat. That's no good. Eat more meat and whole eggs and ditch all the protein shakes.
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Yes, i will be on a lot of gear. I will be on Tren, test prop, Winstrol (winny), clen, and T3. How much protein should I need each day and I got this from someone else, they said it would be a good diet to lose fat. Let me know what you think i should do.
bigpun said:
Yes, i will be on a lot of gear. I will be on Tren, test prop, Winstrol (winny), clen, and T3. How much protein should I need each day and I got this from someone else, they said it would be a good diet to lose fat. Let me know what you think i should do.

Do what Frosty said
you should do at least 1.5 grams of protien per lb and on gear should be even more. Also get some carbs in there, perferably in the morning (oatmeal is good)
I used a diet very similar to this one and got very good results with very little strength/muscle loss. Down 58lbs as of today and look more muscular now than I did 58lbs ago. Bigpun just use that as a baseline. You MUST atleast get these meals in everyday. Get more protien in if possible but some people cannot live, eat and breath bodybuilding.
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