Good Pro-Hormone/Legal Oral cycle?


New member
Hello all,

I have been out of the prohormone game for a bit and everything that I had used in the past is no longer made thus impossible to get. I still go to the gym 5 days a week and take protein, creatine and multi's, but am looking to start a good cycle that will get me back to the size I was at after my last prohormone cycle about a year ago.

What is currently the good legal steroids go get and the best place to purchase them, as most "nutrition stores" by my house seem to have crap from what I have read.

Any help would be great!


You can get many options online through stores like ours, right now there are tons of options just a matter of wanting to wet bulk, dry builk, cut etc...
Thanks for the reply!

I am looking to bulk up in size, but without an over abundance of H20 retention and want gains that stay post cycle.
Thanks for the reply!

I am looking to bulk up in size, but without an over abundance of H20 retention and want gains that stay post cycle.

If you want solid gains that will "stick" through post cycle therapy (pct) --- I would stay away from powerhouses like superdrol.

I would like to see you stack AndroHard + Mechabol for nice clean gains.

Thanks for the suggestions Matt. That sounds good to me!

I found Mechabol just trying to track down AndroHard now....

How would you recommend I run this cycle?

Thanks again!

You should check out and you will have a lot to choose from... i think helladrol would be an excellent choice for you...
You should check out and you will have a lot to choose from... i think helladrol would be an excellent choice for you...

X2. Helladrol takes a few weeks to kick in...but it provides nice slow lean gains which I think are the best and easiest to maintain in PCT.
How does Helladrol stack up to Mechabol?

Mechabol is a target hormone --- NO PROHORMONE that needs convsersions.

It is a methyl-clostebol and exerts a anabolic effect, with lower androgenic effects,,, leading to not many side effects and cleaner dry gains...

The AndroHard would give you the androgenic punch to balance out the cycle + its non methylated so liver stress and skewed lipid panel is not a problem.

PS -- Pm me to get the mechabol cheaper and perhaps the Androhard ;)

As long as your still in a good physical conditioning, your going to get the best results with something that hits harder such as Beastdrol(Superdrol) for the most noticeable effect. You could then stack that with a non-methyl and run it 3-4 weeks Beast and the non-methyl for another 2 weeks.
if your bulking, androbulk is top notch. PM a rep and i think they have a discount code. not sure though on that one. i used my discount code a few weeks ago but idk if its still effective