Good Prohormone for my kiddo..


Ok before the bashing begins, I am an advocate of AS.

But I happen to have a son who is going to supplement his weight training regardless of what I tell him. I am not a guru on prohormones. Well VPX before their good stuff got pulled off the shelves many moons ago. I have advised him to steer away from AS until he is better versed in it or until he really needs it.

Anyhow, what's good out there. He is relatively lean and strong now, but looking for something that is going to give him solid strength gains and keep him relatively lean.

He does his protein, amino, and so on. Diets properly for bulking or cutting. He needs to stay away from anything creatine/creatinine based or included.

Any thoughts on anything from the sponsors or anything on the market currently.

As I know they are not really "prohormone'ish" no need to toss in TBOMB or anything on that level because that's all just a waste of overpriced $$$ anyhow.

Ok before the bashing begins, I am an advocate of AS.

But I happen to have a son who is going to suplement his weight training regardless of what I tell him. I am not a guru on prohormones. Well VPX before their good stuff got pulled off the shelves many moons ago. I have advised him to steer away from AS until he is better versed in it or until he really needs it.

Anyhow, what's good out there. He is relatively lean and strong now, but looking for something that is going to give him solid strength gains and keep him relatively lean.

He does his protein, amino, and so on. Diets properly for bulking or cutting. He needs to stay away from anything creatine/creatinine based or included.

Any thoughts on anything from the sponsors or anything on the market currently.

As I know they are not really "prohormone'ish" no need to toss in TBOMB or anything on that level because that's all just a waste of overpriced $$$ anyhow.

id start with a simple sarm cycle. Osta is a great first cycle. Iml makes a great version thats available at orbit nutrition.