at 24 years old your test levels should be around 700, yours are 350. it doesn't fucking matter if he got it done in the afternoon or the morning because its not like his levels will be significantly higher in the morning.
okay so its 350 in the afternoon, and 400 in the morning... or even 450. those are shit levels for a 24 year old. those are levels of a 60 year old man.
you have hypogonadism bro. go find the reason for it and see if it can be solved naturally, otherwise you will be be on TRT for life, like me.
im 22 now, and i ran a bunch gear from age 18. i blasted and cruised for 2 and a half years, and recently i decided to come off. i did everything properly to come off, clomid, nolva, HCG all that bullshit. then 3 months after i finished taking those, i got bloods and my test was 504. thats probably what my 60 year old father has.
a test level of 504 is pretty shit, considering my levels were around 750 before i started gear. and believe me, that 150ng/dl difference is like day and night. good luck to you