Greatwhitetpeptides!!! Wtf

Ya ll need to move down south....maybe this shit would get the gubment to pay for my doctorate.

I hear it s good for your libido..true or false ?
Jus axing..
Yup you are correct jimbo. I think that's why I had a bit of darker circles around eyes. Seriously keep your dick covered at least part of the time. It will get too dark too fast.

Your dosing is right. That's what everyone usually doses. I just wanted to see if it could be used at a lower dose. But at your doses it's supposed to improve libido as well. I started this with other peps going into post cycle therapy (pct) and had zero libido issues so not sure if it helped but life was good. thanks user.

Maybe I can convince chicks that I'm part black...and that part was gods gift:) ..............and then I'll wake up:(

Day 4...nothing out of the norm..:)
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So....that libido thing is true:)

Second person now asked if I tanned:)

Good shit...may have to stock up on this stuff:D
jimbo are u turning black on me?? lol :afro:

I hear good reviews about GreatWhitePeptides :D
Do you feel nausea and or flush after you inject it? I had to make sure I did it before bed after my last meal because i could not eat afterwords. Oh, and I noticed no extra wood or increased libido. But im a horny fucker as it is so thats the last thing i need.
Yes sir!
jimbo are u turning black on me?? lol :afro:

I hear good reviews about GreatWhitePeptides :D
I don't feel nauea no, was flush kinda at first, but not an issue...libido is is my texting to broads..haha

I pin before bed..really no shitty sides at all. Itchy skin..but just dry from tanning..moisturizer helps. Anybody know how long it's okay to stay on maintenance dose?
Do you feel nausea and or flush after you inject it? I had to make sure I did it before bed after my last meal because i could not eat afterwords. Oh, and I noticed no extra wood or increased libido. But im a horny fucker as it is so thats the last thing i need.