Grocery List


New member
Gentleman, after almost a year off due to injury (and trying to come back from them too soon) it’s finally time to return to the land of the beasts, which start with diet and training. Please critique (sp?) my grocery list:

Canned tuna
Ground Turkey
Sliced Turkey
Canned Chicken
Boneless Skinless Chicken
Cottage Cheese
Various fruits and veggies
Brown Rice
Yaki Soba Noodles
Fat Free Milk
Olive Oil
dark_venom said:
Gentleman, after almost a year off due to injury (and trying to come back from them too soon) it’s finally time to return to the land of the beasts, which start with diet and training. Please critique (sp?) my grocery list:

Canned tuna
Ground Turkey
Sliced Turkey
Canned Chicken
Boneless Skinless Chicken
Cottage Cheese
Various fruits and veggies
Brown Rice
Yaki Soba Noodles
Fat Free Milk
Olive Oil

i would leave out the shrimp and canned chicken and add lean ground beef/patties.....
dark_venom said:
Gentleman, after almost a year off due to injury (and trying to come back from them too soon) it’s finally time to return to the land of the beasts, which start with diet and training. Please critique (sp?) my grocery list:

Canned tuna
Ground Turkey
Sliced Turkey
Canned Chicken
Boneless Skinless Chicken
Cottage Cheese
Various fruits and veggies
Brown Rice
Yaki Soba Noodles
Fat Free Milk
Olive Oil

Oh man.....where to start??
Yes eating clean is good but it's the macro counts that will have a big effect.

Anything unprocessed is always great. Unless competiting there is no reason to eat "clean"tarded all the time. A diet that is approx 80% clean will serve you great.

Here's a few staples I like to have.....


olive oil
nut butters
nuts....specially almonds and cashews
Udo's oil
fish oils
MCT oil
hard cheeses


protein powder
lean ground beef
eye of round
eggs/egg whites
wild meat...bison/elk/moose
fat free cottage cheese


all veggies
all fruits (100-200 cals per day I suggest personally)
low fat/low sugar cereals (crispix,puffed wheat)
multi grain breads (limit 2-4 slices per day)
kidney beans
navy beans
black beans
popcorn (yes for real)

SNACKS (limited)

fat free sourcream
fat free salad dressing
light mayo
baked tortillachips
rice cakes
diet jello
light whipping cream
molly mcbutter
mrs dash
becel no fat cooking spray

This of course is just a quick list.....there are so many different options.

Just be sure to count your calories and macros......whatever your goals are you'll be fine even if you eat keep these 2 things in check.

I've seen people get shredded on processed food......but their macros were always in check. Of course I would still eat clean most of the's just plain better for you!

Welcome back to this awesome lifestyle we all choose to live! Once you start seeing results you'll be hooked again!
Miss Muscle could you explain what you mean by keeping your macros in check? This is a term I have never heard before.
zstevc said:
Miss Muscle could you explain what you mean by keeping your macros in check? This is a term I have never heard before.

Macros stands for macronutrients. Macronutrients are required in the human body for growth and development. Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins are all macronutrients.

Proteins are essential to humans. Fats and carbohydrates are currently under debate depending whom you talk to and where the research is done. I personally think all 3 play a big role in keeping healthy. In my opinion fats and proteins are essential.

You want a certain amount of each depending on your goals. Strength athletes want a higher amount of protein. Endurance athletes.....carbohydrates.

If somebody wants to lose fat they want a certain amount of each macronutrient to do this efficiently. When I say keep your macros in check I mean make sure you have a certain amount of each one. For fat loss and muscle retention I would suggest something like 60% protein, 25% carb and 15% fat. I"m just throwing numbers out there of course. Currently I am doing a 60% protein, 40%, 0% fat diet for fat loss for a competition. Different things work and people just have to find which ones.
zstevc said:
Miss Muscle could you explain what you mean by keeping your macros in check? This is a term I have never heard before.

This is an area where MM and I probably disagree a little. I never look at what % of macros a person is getting. When I design a diet out they get what their body is needing. In this industry we get to focused in on trying to make everyone the same. We are far from that. While a diet looks great on paper because its fits the 40/40/20 or 50/35/15 ratio or whatever it might be the fact is once it is in application with the individual it might not work.
DirkMoneyshot said:
This is an area where MM and I probably disagree a little. I never look at what % of macros a person is getting. When I design a diet out they get what their body is needing. In this industry we get to focused in on trying to make everyone the same. We are far from that. While a diet looks great on paper because its fits the 40/40/20 or 50/35/15 ratio or whatever it might be the fact is once it is in application with the individual it might not work.

Interesting Dirk.....I didn't know you didn't look at the macros. I am interested in learning more about your methods one of these days.

I think everybody does well on different macros of course. But in this industry we do take things to such coaches and the diet they have set up for me is extreme for example.

I have to agree with you......healthy and safe is truly the only way to go.

But yet here I sit following a diet completely void of fat and other essential nutrients. I am a bit of a hypocrite you might say. :)
Thanks everyone and especially you MM. Your grocery list provided the little “tweak” I knew I was missing from my own. Being a country boy, there’s always plenty of vinison around and there’s always someone with way too much on hand and gives away.