Guys, do you ever look at other guys in the gym in a non-sexual way?


New member
The topic is pretty self explanatory. Coming from a gay gym, where people are looking at each other to bang, I am shocked at once and a while seeing a guy looking my way at "straight" gyms (where most people are straight). So, I am wondering if you straight guys ever look at other guys when they are working out.

Thank you all!
The topic is pretty self explanatory. Coming from a gay gym, where people are looking at each other to bang, I am shocked at once and a while seeing a guy looking my way at "straight" gyms (where most people are straight). So, I am wondering if you straight guys ever look at other guys when they are working out.

Thank you all!

Sometimes when a guy has a really impressive physique or is lifting crazy amounts of weight I'll glance over. Other than that I am solely focused on my workout.
lol of course I'm always comparing myself to guys that are bigger and more defined than me. Gives me something to keep me motivated and work towards. I honestly get more looks from guys that I do girls.
I am not that big (6' 220) and guys still watch me out sometimes in a (presumably) non-gay way. I try not to do this as I feel dick-gazing is weird.

It's usually deadlifts (because I lift sort of heavy) and front squats (because lots of people don't even know what these are) that generate the most dick-gazing for me.

I have to say though it's hard NOT to notice if someone is either:
a) Lifting with terrible form ie swinging 50lb dumbbells bc they can only curl 35s
b) Lifting weights I can only dream of at this time (like repping 315+ on bench or curling 80s+)
Most of the time it's more of a look of respect. Along the lines of "that was some heavy ass weight right on" but you are right I do notice more looks from other guys than women unfortunately.
Sure, but it's usually because they're doing 1/4 bench presses or 1/5 squats. Yeah, I'll occasionally see a guy that's really put a lot of work into his physique, but it's seldom more than a glance as there are far better things to look at; often wearing yoga pants and spandex nonetheless. ;)
I creep threw mirrors!

old bouncers trick.. mirrors and windows

funny when you lock eyes with someone doing the same thing ha!!!

ill stop and watch somebody thats doing an exercise i want to try, but ill ask them what theyre working and explain imma weight lifting noob. oddly enough, its mostly nice ladies i end up learning something new from.. yeah!

as far as looking at other dudes.. at first i did, was never in weight lifting gyms before and was cool to see how huge these guys get..

right away one thing i did notice that most of weight lifters have little necks.

kind of funny. great big arms, great big everything. itty bitty fuckin neck.

so yeah, to this day - i kinda look at these fuckers necks. weird, but whatever..
Yes I enjoy staring at sweaty men. Lol no , I will glance every so often to compare and contrast forms. But the chicks in their spandex good God.
old bouncers trick.. mirrors and windows

funny when you lock eyes with someone doing the same thing ha!!!

ill stop and watch somebody thats doing an exercise i want to try, but ill ask them what theyre working and explain imma weight lifting noob. oddly enough, its mostly nice ladies i end up learning something new from.. yeah!

as far as looking at other dudes.. at first i did, was never in weight lifting gyms before and was cool to see how huge these guys get..

right away one thing i did notice that most of weight lifters have little necks.

kind of funny. great big arms, great big everything. itty bitty fuckin neck.

so yeah, to this day - i kinda look at these fuckers necks. weird, but whatever..

LMFAO... I just lock eyes with someone just to creep them the fuck out ahaha...

I just hate when I get a union meeting around me when I'm doing stiffies. Fucking old men perves, I wana fucking line them up and throw 45lbs plates at their dentures!