Guys I need help with THIS!


New member
Guys i appreciate all your help here

I am currently on test cyp for 4 weeks now. 1cc 200mgs every week . I just bumped the dose to 2cc test cyp this week and feeling alittle better now.

Gear that i have

sustenon gen-shi 1250 5ml bottle= 6pcs
Deca 500 gen-shi deca 500= 4 pcs
test cyp 200mg 10ml = 2pcs
clomid iran 60 tabs

I'm 34 today! 5'11 285 stocky build. This is my 2nd cycle and wanting your guidance in the best way to take this gear for best results. I work out 5days a week and very dedicated to cardio and lifting daily. 30min bike cardio to warm up. 1-1/12 lifting.

Guys help me out on this. Havent started anything except my test to get my levels up.

Get some Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and you're close to being ready

You could run the sus at 500 a week, it's 250 mg a ml I'm assuming
Add an extra 200 of test a week on the mix and 500 of deca a week

You will get swollen , then after the last shot wait 10 to 14 days and start taking the clomid 50 mg a day , keep taking the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) up till you start the clomid
I just started my 2nd cycle as well of test and deca. I'm running 600 mg/wk test and 400 mg/wk deca. If you're gonna run deca you need to start right now unless you don't have your AI's on hand. Working with what you got I would increase the test to at least 500 mg/wk in 2 shots and deca at least 300 mg/wk. Get your AI's.
I certainly hate to give advice to someone without full detail of what their knowledge is but that is mine. If you hadn't already started test I would say wait til you got everything and figure your doses out considering the variety of test you have. Good Luck.
yes it was originally for trt. Then he bumped me to 1cc 200mg a week . So i figured put a good cycle together and hit it up. BF prob around 25% but don't quote me on that
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Arimidex is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I use for test and I use prami as the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for deca....u need them both. Clomid is for post cycle therapy (pct) and will not work as an AI.