Guys, newbie... need lots of help.... Reading Intensive

When I was about 19 years old (13 years ago) I was put on Accutane (anti-acne medication) for about ten months. At the time I was doing bi-weekly blood work for my kidneys as the medication was "rumored" to damage kidneys.

About 3 years later (10 years ago), due to many problems going on in my life, I was put on various anti-depressants, the worst being Effexor. I eventually took myself off them cold-turkey.

At the time of the Accutane, I remember my libido and erections being very present and noticeable. Once on the anti-depressants a few years later, my libido and erections seemed to go downhill and pretty much never recovered.

I have since done a lot of reading, where Accutane and Effexor have been known to lower testosterone levels.

Fast forward to September 2009, after years of failed relationships due to sexual issues, I was finally tested for my testosterone levels:

TEST #1 done in the AM:
Testosterone 14.5 (8.4 - 28.7) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 38.5 (31.0 - 94.0) PMOL/L

TEST #2 done in the PM on the same day:
Tesosterone 8.1 (8.4 - 28.7) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 26.4 (31.0 - 94.0) PMOL/L

At this point in time the doctor gave me a month supply of Androgel which I did not end up using after reading hundreds of negative comments and after finding out he works for the company that supplies it. He absolutely would not put me on injections as he was saying they would deform my testicles, make me infertile, etc. etc. etc.

I ended up going for another series of tests a few month later in March 2010:

TEST #1 done in the AM:
Testosterone 11.0 (8.4 - 28.7) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 29.8 (31.0 - 94.0) nmol/L

TEST #2 done in the PM on the same day:
Tesosterone 10.0 (8.4 - 28.7) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 26.4 (31.0 - 94.0) nmol/L

Not only did my levels go down from the previous tests but they were lower than the acceptable ranges. Once again the doctor refused to put me on injections so I went to see an Endocronologist.
Upon seeing the Endo, I did a lot more blood work just a few weeks ago in the month of May.

The following are my results:

Testosterone 8.4 (8.4 - 28.7) nmol/L
Free Testosterone 27.2 (31.0 - 94.0) nmol/L
Thyrotropin 2.40 (.35 - 5.00) mIU/L
FSH 1 (2 - ??? )
LH 2 (2 - ???)
Estradiol 151 (41 - 151) pmol/L
Prolactin 3 (2 - 18)

Obviously my Estrogen is very very high, but not in the eyes of the Endo. My FSH and LH are both very very low and once again my Test. levels are very low.

The Endo. did end up putting me on 200mg of Delatestryl (Test. Enanthate) to be injected once every month. Instead, I did an injection of 100mg, and then another 100mg a week and half later.

Since these injections, the ability to get an erection is pretty much all but gone. Forget about Viagra or any other pills, nothing is working. The couple times I was able to muster up anything together ended up in very small "loads". My testicle size already seems to be a bit smaller as well. In addition, the moment I get riled up I feel like a loose cannon with a major anger issue.

Basically guys, I need your help. I have ZERO libido and can't remember the last time I've been horny. Getting any erection is a mission in itself, and I haven't had a morning one since the injections have started. What do I need to do? Arimedex? HCG? More test, less test??

I am currently 32 years old, 6 feet and about 195 lbs. I am very active and play hockey 5 times a week, but with no current weight lifting regime.
Hey I feel your pain. I've been dealing with low test and high e2 since I was 20. I'm now 30. I spent 9 years seeing every doctor and endo in the area none of them know their head from their ass when it comes to Andropause. Even when I presented them literature written by specialists they would say I was in the normal ranges. I then started to try Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) clinics off the internet the first two were a nightmare. I then found this site and read about the results Chip provided his clients for about 6 months. Finally I gave him a call and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Going on month #2 now and I'm feeling better than ever. More energy,stronger, and my sex drive is sometimes more than she can handle. My advice click on the red banner to the right and talk to Chip you wont regret it. You need more testosterone more often, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep your balls working, and most important an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to get your e2 in check you don't want man boobs.
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YEa guy - this is a tough one. Your FSH and LH are low and your free test is low telling me you are not producing enough test. IT looks like it is not a Leydig cell thing as your problem is free test, not test uptake. The only way to cure is with test injections. I think 100/month is RIDICULOUS low and will result in ED cause your levels are all over the place. I think you need 100/week minimum. And you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Arimidex to lower estrogen. No amount of test is gonna help libido if your estrogen is that high. You gotta raise test AND lower estrogen. an anti-prolactin like Cabergoline (helps with ED - trust me). you are almost there but you havent taken enough test nor lowered estrogen.

I agree with the guy above - this is complicated and the doctors dont know shit. Your doc said injectibles make your nuts shrink and lower fertility. SO DOES ANDROGEL!!! IT's the same fucking thing (testosterone)- what a MORON!!! who gives a fuck how it gets into your system - once there its still testosterone. Does cyanide kill you rubbed on, injested or shoved up your ass? Ahhh-YES.

Call Chip and just listen to what he has to say - it costs nothing to call and chat at first.

Dude - why are you living like this? Your losing chicks to ED? Fuck that!!! Take freaking control. This is easily fixed.
And I take back what I said about Leydig - it may indeed be the problem and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may fix it. Chip will tell you.