GW1516, GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 an effective Stack?


New member
Test subject is 49 years old and getting in regular workouts 4-5 times/week for about 1 1/2 hrs /day and pushing fairly hard -6'4", 260 lbs with about 25% body fat. Been trimming down but not loosing weight and considering a stack of GW1516 with GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 3X100 ED. Goal would be to increase muscle mass, lose the fat and improving tedonitis in shoulder and elbow. Can anyone comment on how effective this may be or offer other suggestions? Appreciate the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback. Any issues with using in conjunction with other supplements like N.O. Xplode and Cellmass for pre and post?

Nope my rat uses preworkouts with those peps and my buddy used them with gw. Shouldn't be an issue.