dont ask if you can work in with me and then bring over two more of your boys. that will be shut down instantly
I remeber when u walked in a gym people kept their shit to themsepves and lifted. Today gyms are more of a meat rack or a gatjering place for sheeple that its unbelievable. My brother goes to a gym where your not allowed to grunt or be overly excited. Yes u can loose your membership if u grunt scream or are too excited over a lift but then again the heavieat dumbbells are 50lbs and theres only 4 45lbs plates at the squat rack and the bench area. Omfg
Ok I sweat like a whore in church when I'm in the gym so I make damn sure to wipe it up after I'm finished with my sets. I can't stand when people leave a puddle of sweat on a bench or something. I know I'm sweaty too but come on clean up after yourself you dirty basterd. I don't wanna bath in your sweat.
1) If your black shoes with golden laces match your black socks with the golden insignia and also match your black shorts with gold pinstripes while also matching your gold shirt with black lettering AND YOUR WEARING SUNGLASSES INSIDE THE GYM....We will not be friends. Do not talk to me.
I am a sweaty whore in the gym and you are clearly a delicate flower who primped and selected matching clothing before you "worked out". We're from two different worlds.
2) If I see you doing this:
You're about to get stabbed.
3) If I'm doing deads on the squat platform and you wanna do squats in the rack I don't mind but you better wait until after I finish my set before you do yours. Basic bowling etiquette says you don't roll at the same time someone else does so I probably don't want to see into the abyss of your sweaty ass crack 2 feet away from my head while you squat and I deadlift.
Here are really nice and most informative article is written by you. I am totally agree with you and would like to say thanks to you that you share this post here with us. I am agree with that it is most important to join a gym to stay healthy and to spend an happy life.
Oh I forgot to add the douche bags that talk shit because they can bench more than someone else in the gym...literally just happened...
Let's see how much you squat!
Lol half the time they can't bench the 300lbs they say they do. Usually ill ask them to prove it then of do them. That seems to shut em up