Gyno and pct

Omg!!!!!! R u serious?? What r u stats anyways ???? If u ask a question like that then u r way to young to be thinking about aas u have alot of research to do....
gyno means bitch tits. do u know what bitch tits means? post cycle therapy (pct) is post cycle therapy its apart of a aas cycle and if u dont have post cycle therapy (pct) dont do gear it helps ur body get back to its natural state (ie u balls will grow back and u will regain ur sex drive
Ok that night be true. I was just asking what that shit meant. What is aas. I dont no why guys just cant answer the question. Remeber at one time you guys didnt no anything about this stuff. I am sure you guys asked someone like i am doing
r u serious u dont know what aas is do u have google... aas=Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. or in other words aas means STEROID something u should be thinking about at all