Gyno during pct???


New member
Hey guys, just finished up my first cycle, ran dbol kicker and test e for 12 weeks. Used arimidex throughout and didn't come across any problems. I am gyno prone, had it since teenage years, but it seems to be getting worse. I'm in my first week of PCT and nips are starting to feel more sensitive, and physically it looks worse...

Any ideas on how I can combat this??
continue taking your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) until post cycle therapy (pct). During PCT just make sure you run Nolva at 40/40/20/20 along with clomid. Nolva will help you pretty well most likely.
i was JUST about to edit the post and say i have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) left over from the cycle...running nolva and clomid atm, on the 6th day and if anything it seems to be worsening

i've got 1 mg caps, any suggestions on the dosage???
You were supposed to wait 2 weeks prior to starting post cycle therapy (pct) and during those 2 weeks take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI). the tamox may need some time to build up in your body. The adex would have been ideal, because you were already at a "maintaince dose" that was keeping your E2 levels in check.
I did have the two weeks off but i stopped the adex in that timeframe so essentially this is the 6th day of week 3 after the last pin

do you think throwing in a little adex now might be worthwhile or just hold off and let the nolva and clomid do their thing?
let the nolva and clomid do its thing. if its still bothering you in a couple days, increasing tamoxifen a little bit probably wont hurt you. According to my drug handbook, Epocrates, taking adex with nolva decreases the effect of the adex making it of little help most likely.
alright ill stick with that plan then, maybe up the tamox a little cuz its VERY evident now. thanks for the info hopefully it subsides after a few days more on pct
It wont hurt to take the adex .25 ED until you feel better.

how much Nolva and clomid are you taking?

nolva and adex conflict with each other.... dont take them both.. op you shoulda done more research... you do realize in the 2 week time frame your test is still converting to estrogen.. right?.... you fucked up... shoulda done more research
nolva and adex conflict with each other.... dont take them both.. op you shoulda done more research... you do realize in the 2 week time frame your test is still converting to estrogen.. right?.... you fucked up... shoulda done more research

The conflict just reduces the efficiency of adex requiring a higher dose to get the same effects.
Yeh I know I fuck&d up a little, got this feeling I was crashing my estro cuz I was starting to feel really lethargic so I thought dropping the Adex after last pin might be fine
Running clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 20/20/20/20
I was thinking maybe increase nolva to 40 for two weeks? What's your opinions??