Gyno Help!! ?


New member
Hey i need some advice or feedback...or anything on this! I finished a cycle of test and eq about 5 months ago, and did clomid as a pct! After about one month around the beginning of summer i started getting puffy nipples and little lumps under them. I know this is a little bit of gyno cuz the doctor confirmed it! Also now about 3 months later, I still get puffy nipples that are tender and hurt at often times. Am I stuck with this little bit of gyno, shud i start taking nolva again, I don't know what to do, but it's frustrating!

Thnks, appreciate it!
yep nolva is a good idea! take it at 40mg/day until you start to see it going down then take 20mg/day... see what happens bro.. good luck.. i know what it's like to have bad bitch tit... it's not noticable in me because i have a big chest but i know it's there and it hurts like a bitch! take care of it asap before it gets bad
once you get a little bit of gyno, can it worsen even though your not on a cycle ??? I got it on my cycle, but now im off it, do the lumps just get bigger and bigger on their own, or do they just stay that size??
yes they definately can worsen bro... mine did... just make sure you're taking nolva or letro or something kind of anti-estrogen and it should subside