Gyno prone.. first cycle?


New member
never used any kind of AAS or PH ever.

Have puffy nips. no idea why.

Scared to do first cycle, if nips get any worse i will prob hate myself and get surgery.

want to do 500mg test e only cycle..

maybe .5mg arimadex EOD w/ 10mg Nolva ED throughout cycle?

or is that retarded?

please help.. thanks
Puffy nips and you haven't yet started a cycle?
Go get blood work done before even thinking about a cycle and see where your baseline is and what's going on
I'm confused. You have puffy nips from a current cycle, or you just by nature have puffy nips and you're concerned that you'll get gyno while on cycle, if you cycle? Also get your baseline blood's done. If your estrogen isn't high right now, then genetically you just have puffy nips.


Training Experience
Like i said above.. I have never used any kind of AAS ever.. I want to try a first cycle but concerned about gyno, because i already have puffy nips.. IDK WHY. Ive never taken anything ever..
Also there is no lumps.. and when im cold and my nipples harden they looks 100% normal..

Go get blood work done using privatemdlabs, or personalabs, or if you have a doc that will right you a lab script, so you can run it through your insurance.

Make sure you get Total Test LC/MS method, Free Test, Estrogen SENSITIVE (The sensitive part is important for men). Getting a full CBC w/DIFF would be a good idea to see liver values as well as other things. Icing on the cake would be checking thyroid (TSH, Free T3, Free T4).
You asked for help, right? Why are you ignoring the replies? Your a lil young to be thinking of a cycle anyways. You got to have your diet in check and good training experience first.

thanks for the link
After reading the link i think im going to try this --> Tamoxifen: 40mg daily for one week. Then 20mg daily until gynecomastia is reversed.

So you don't know if you have gyno, but your going to take something that may or may not fix it.

Why don't you visit a Dr and tell him your concerns instead of guessing and F'ing your self up worse?
If there are no hard lumps it's more than likely it is pseudogynocomastia (fat) or water retention. Best to see a doctor and get him to diagnose though.

You need to run blood work before you start anything. To answer your question though, running ralox or tamox throughout your cycle will prevent you from getting gyno yes. An AI is still needed though.