Gyno Protocol after Short Cycle


We've only won it 5 times
Around a month ago I started on test prop 300 p/wk and tren ace 400 p/wk. I had to get this gear from a new source due to circumstances. I don't think the Tren Ace is legit and seems to be Deca. I previously ran multiple cycles like the ones stated above and used an AI and Caber to combat sides, no problem.

The only time I had a gyno flare up was on Deca and I believe that is the case now. I can feel lumps under my nipples and clothes don't sit the same. I will go straight to PCT and I wanted to run my protocol by you and see if its good to go.

Toremifene 60mg p/day

Should I include Ralox or is Tore sufficient? I have read about good results on both.