Gyno/puffy nipples 4 months after PCT.


New member
Alright been a while since I've been on here but looking for some advice from guys who have previous experience with this.

I generally run 1 cycle a year and mainly just a test and a oral to kickstart and I know I'm prone to gyno or just get the puffy nips.after my first cycle I have always taken adex . at .5mg e2d. And it generally keeps the " puffiness " away. Fast forward to about 5 years of doing that.
I'm 6'4"
220 at around 15-20 ( fattest I have ever been as I've basically been on vacation travelling for the past 3 months with very little gym time )
And yes I've heard it before was too young when I started and everything but I was dumb and had zero clue what I was doing from bad advice from someone who I thought knew what they were talking about. Really only had the last 3 cycles with any sort of knowledge.
Last cycle I ran 150mg test / 400 tren / 400 mast for 12 weeks. All long esters. Adex e2d and caber .5mg twice a week. 500 iu hcg per week. Started adex and caber and hcg at the start of second week. Dropped tren and mast at week 12 and ran test for 2 more weeks. Dropped the caber and hcg same time as test and carried on with adex till beginning of PCT which was 3 weeks after last injection. Ran chlomid 100/100/50/50 amd nolva 40/40/20/20. Just got my bloods done last week which would have been 3 months after my PCT was complete. End of PCT was at 222 and about 7-9 using body fat caliper with a personal trainer.

It's been 4 months and my nipple are so puffy I don't have a single shirt that I can wear that they don't stick through. I have a small hard lump behind my right nipple. BUT when it's cold or fresh out the shower they look completely normal. Then once I'm warm they get puffy again.

I've narrowed this down to a couple things.
1. Increase in bodyfat.
2. High estrogen and low test from not properly recovering from cycle causing gyno like symptoms

I know once I get blood work back it will be easier to tell but just want to know what you guys think this could be or if I did something wrong in that past cycle as after I get this looked after and down the road I don't want this to happen again. Thanks guys any other info you need let me know.
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deff need bloodwork posted here... but it could be maybe the AI dose was not enough for you and you slowly developed gyno over the cycle and noticed it more after, it could also be bodyfat increase. could be a combo of both even, hard to say
Yes sir, i will see them tomorrow. I live in canada and unfortunately we have to go throughout doctors for blood work, which makes this a pain in the ass to get done.
how did it go, did you see them?

They never tested my e2 which was the most important one and it was on my blood work sheet the doctor just assumed it was missed.

BUT everything else was normal except my test was 340. So I'm not going to attempt a HPTA restart and see if that brings me back, in a month i will be retested and i have specified i absolutely need the e2 levels in there. Now I'm following the HPTA restart thread off t nation it goes as follows:
hug 250iu e2d for 4 weeks
arimidex .25mg e2d

retest to see if test levels have increased if they have then go to part 2

nolvadex 20mg e2d
arimidex at .25mg e2d

retest and see if hpta is functioning and test levels are still holding then slowly ween yourself off the adex to avoid e2 rebound which is what i think happened to me.

What do you guys think?
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