Gyno while on a cruise dose test after a cycle ??


New member
I always get puffy nipples on cycle which I keep at bay with adex dosed at .5mg e2d. Now this cycle I have done it differently. I ran the following compounds :
Test e 200mg
Tren e 400mg
Mast e 400mg
Adex .5mg e2d

for 10 weeks

Then dropped down to 140mg test a week which I am " cruising " till the 12 week mark, possibly longer, to let those clear and body to adjust before pct. so basically just a trt dose test. Now it's been 2 weeks since tren or mast have been injected and now I'm getting puffy nipples with a small hard lump under my right nipple. I'm assuming this is just the hormone imbalance causing this but I'm wondering what I should take to help before it gets worse! I have nolva, chlomid, adex, and dostinex all on hand.i haven't adjusted any dose but was thinking about going up to 1mg adex e2d to see if that helped but I don't understand why my e2 levels would be elevated from dropping compounds and test dosage. I read run 20mg nolva ed for a couple weeks but don't want to do anything till I know for sure what's going on. I will also get bloods done post cycle like I always have before. Thanks for any feedback.
You did say you were on Tren which is a 19Nor, may not be E2 rather prolactin giving same symptoms. Are you taking a DA? Prami, Caber?

And 10 weeks for Mast is too short, so is the dosage in my opinion. I would say minimum 600mg a .02
Why would you go to a cruise dose of test for 2 weeks before coming off and doing pct? That makes no sense at all! Your using long esters. They will taper off on their own. No need for whatever your doing.
You did say you were on Tren which is a 19Nor, may not be E2 rather prolactin giving same symptoms. Are you taking a DA? Prami, Caber?

And 10 weeks for Mast is too short, so is the dosage in my opinion. I would say minimum 600mg a .02

Yes I understand that it could be a prolactin side but I did keep my e2 in check which I read can cause more issues to arise. I have caber that I can start dosing but I'm off the tren and mast. And that's when these side arose so I thought it was rather odd because on cycle I didn't have them. And dosages yes I did keep it very moderate. I might play around a little more next time but like to keep it moderate.
Why would you go to a cruise dose of test for 2 weeks before coming off and doing pct? That makes no sense at all! Your using long esters. They will taper off on their own. No need for whatever your doing.

It was a blend with all three compounds hence why I'm running just test for two weeks to let the tren and mast clear before starting pct.
Does anybody else have an idea? Just to be clear it's been 3 weeks since I've been off tren and mast. Should I possibly start dosing my caber at .5mg e3d due to it possibly being prolactin sides? It takes a good week to get bloods back and 2 Doctor appts so I will do that Monday either way to know for sure if it's e2 or prolactin related. I just have never heard of anybody having prolactin side when they come off a 19nor
maybe your 'blend' did not contain real masteron and was just a higher amount of test and tren.. you were not taking a DA during the cycle and its highly possible prolcatin levels elevated and are just NOW showing/causing the sides you are experiencing (even though you quit injecting the compound).
may want to run a DA. you may also want to think about raloxifene for gyno treatment
maybe your 'blend' did not contain real masteron and was just a higher amount of test and tren.. you were not taking a DA during the cycle and its highly possible prolcatin levels elevated and are just NOW showing/causing the sides you are experiencing (even though you quit injecting the compound).
may want to run a DA. you may also want to think about raloxifene for gyno treatment

Well I didn't get any prolactin sides on cycle but I did have it on hand just in case. So are you saying possibly run it now? How does .5mg e3d sound for a good starting point? Or should I start at .25? Thanks for the replies guys
Well I didn't get any prolactin sides on cycle but I did have it on hand just in case. So are you saying possibly run it now? How does .5mg e3d sound for a good starting point? Or should I start at .25? Thanks for the replies guys

it sounds as if you did get prolactin sides though if your E2 was in check. Some get away with it with E2 in check but we are all different . Like Roush said it may have just been a bad blend etc.
Yup I can, I always do post pct. I could go in now and see what my e2 and prolactin levels are but it is a bit of a hassle as I'm in Canada and don't have a private lab.

Id do it, thats the only way you will get an accurate snapshot otherwise you could end up chasing your tail here. It would be worth the bit of inconvenience IMO.
So woke up today and was just examaning my nipples ( weird i know ) just making sure no lumps or anything else and a clear fluid just slightly leaked out. So defiantly prolactin sides. Ill be starting my caber at .5 e3d. do that till sides subdue or a couple weeks then go do bloods. Thanks for the help guys. Looks like i didn't get any of these symptoms on cycle but i will defiantly run my DA every 19norr cycle i run in the future
So woke up today and was just examaning my nipples ( weird i know ) just making sure no lumps or anything else and a clear fluid just slightly leaked out. So defiantly prolactin sides. Ill be starting my caber at .5 e3d. do that till sides subdue or a couple weeks then go do bloods. Thanks for the help guys. Looks like i didn't get any of these symptoms on cycle but i will defiantly run my DA every 19norr cycle i run in the future

Id start the caber and still go get bloods right away.
Also no more examining the nipples! Im serious gland stimulation encourages lactation.
Id start the caber and still go get bloods right away.
Also no more examining the nipples! Im serious gland stimulation encourages lactation.

Oh yea i always do, just want to wait a bit till it gets some time to stabilize. Change to many things at once you don't know what caused what.