H/drol Injectable Tren Cycle


New member
Hey everybody. I just registered after thousends viewing(ye I'm lazy u got me).
Just posting my actual Cycle I'm open to every comment, critique, suggestions.

Stats be4
BF 16%
age 23,5

Started H-drol 4 weeks ago running like that.
Starting injectable tren at 5th week a bridge 3 shots per week for 6 weeks

Supplements during cycle:
cycle support 8 caps/day
omega 3 1300mg net (epa +dha net)
multivitamins plus iron.

Also taking a No-xplede when i wake up and pre Wo

Whey post Wo or when i have no time to eat.

Stats so far (no tren so far) calculated with the "magic balance i have in the gym that costed me 1 pound!!

Wheight 75.6kg (+4)
BF 14,5 %

Dramatically increased every lift (+10 on bench, more pull ups, +30 on squats, around +20% on complementary)

I'm not calculating the calories just eating clean rice and chicken 3-4 times a day cottage cheese be4 bed time from 1 to 3 proteins shakes, nuts, olive oil lots of fresh friut (no vegetables too expansive and I'm not a goat i hate raw food).

PCT I'm planning to run
Tamox 60/40/40/20/20
Activate Xtreme 3 caps a day
Maybe Gonadotropin
I always do a Clembuterol low dosage pyramid on post cycle not to loose gains and to clean a bit (something like 20-20-40-40-60-60 0-0-0 and again for 3 times, it works well on me)

This is the third h-drol cycle so far, always loved it :santa: