H-drol question


New member
Hey guys I am 17
I'm doing my first H-drol cycle I know im still young I researched alot about H-DROL & I understand all side effect stunned growth, hair loss, ECT so don't just comment and abuse me I have made up my mind and I have been lifting for about 4-5 years since i was 12-13 years of age & i just want some advice from you guys

Current Stats: 511 - 6 ft 183lb lbs
Max Bench: 233lb
Max Deadlift: 360lb
Max Squat: 295lb
Body Fat: 6%

Week 1 – CEL Cycle Assist
Week 2 – CEL Cycle Assist
Week 3 – H Drol (25) – CEL Cycle Assist (8
Week 4 – H Drol (25) – CEL Cycle Assist (8
Week 5 – H Drol (50) – CEL Cycle Assist (8 caps split 8 hours apart)
Week 6 – H Drol 50) – CEL Cycle Assist (8 caps split 8 hours apart)
Week 7 – H Drol (50) – CEL Cycle Assist (8 caps split 8 hours apart)
Week 8 – H Drol 50) – CEL Cycle Assist (8 caps split 8 hours apart)

post cycle therapy (pct) -

Week 9 – Nolva (20mg) – Activate Xtreme – Lean Xtreme
Week 10 – Nolva (20mg) – Activate Xtreme – Lean Xtreme
Week 11 – Nolva (20mg) – Activate Xtreme – Lean Xtreme
Week 12– Nolva (10mg) – Activate Xtreme – Lean Xtreme

also pre loading Competitive Edge Labs-Cycle Assist 2 weeks before cycle & it also has Milk Thistle & Hawthorn Berry Extract in it
and then begin post cycle therapy (pct) after cycle (novadex)
also going to take Multi- Vitamin's fish oils ECT
no one can stop you from taking. that is what it is. please be care fun and if you do have any questions please feel free to contact me any time. I have many many years of this. bench 560, squat 800, dead lift 625. be safe.
you definitely need to reconsider, though i commend you for doing at least some research.

that amount of hdrol isn't even worth the cycle. your natural levels of hormones greatly surpass anything you could gain from that cycle.

hdrol starts to get effective at 75mg and higher. am i recommending that you go higher? no. but what you're thinking of doing is literally a waste because your natural hormones will get you there with good diet and a good routine.

this case of trying to "play it safe" with hormones meaning doing something even dumber that what you think you're doing. no one can stop you from doing what you want but at least do it right.