h-drol to cut?


New member
Well, I have lifted on and off for a few years now. The last 6 months have been pretty consistent. I am seeing results, but still need to get my diet in check. I am working on doing that right now. I have a good workout routine that I like. My question is; Would h-drol be good to cut on? What would work better?

I'm 5'6
165 pounds and I'd say around 18% b.f.

I'd like to get to 10% and lean bulk over the next year.

*edit* here is a picture if you'd like to see what I look like/my b.f.%
1. how old are you?

2. You need to be lifting consistently for 2-3 years before you turn to ph/aas

3. You need your diet in check for 2-3 years before you turn to ph/aas

4. do you know what pct is?

5. h-drol won't burn additional fat (no pro-hormone will), it will only help you retain muscle as you drive your calories lower but at the end of the day it's all diet
dont think you ll find h drol anymore... helladrol is the same thing and is still around. but its 3 bottles in one i think....

from everything you ve said you still have a while before you should mess with a PH, once you stop gaining weight with a perfect perfect diet its time. otherwise your cutting yourself short.