H-Drol vs. Ostarine. size/strength? Pros/Cons of each?


New member
Hi guys this is my first post and i hope i didn't post this in the wrong section. i have been working out for 3 years now. first two years i wasn't extremely dedicated and had no diet plan. for a bit over a year i have been training hard and eating big and clean. recently i have been looking a lot into doing my first cycle. i have been reading up alot on different forums and i am somewhat torn between hdrol and SARMS ostarine. which one would provide more mass and/or strength gains? while ostarine is shown to be non-suppressive, at higher doses it appears to be. post cycle therapy (pct) would be run on either and would consist of torem and daa. is this overkill? i would love some post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations as well.

Hi guys this is my first post and i hope i didn't post this in the wrong section. i have been working out for 3 years now. first two years i wasn't extremely dedicated and had no diet plan. for a bit over a year i have been training hard and eating big and clean. recently i have been looking a lot into doing my first cycle. i have been reading up alot on different forums and i am somewhat torn between hdrol and SARMS ostarine. which one would provide more mass and/or strength gains? while ostarine is shown to be non-suppressive, at higher doses it appears to be. post cycle therapy (pct) would be run on either and would consist of torem and daa. is this overkill? i would love some post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations as well.


I cant speak for the ostarine but I know hdrol is pretty solid stuff. ive used it a couple of times and got pretty cleans gains on it, 8-10 pounds usually. i dose it at 50mg the first week and then 75mg for 5 weeks. For your first cycle id just keep it at 50mg for 4 weeks.

Torem would work i suppose. I usually use clomid or OTC stuff because I dont feel that hdrol is all that powerful.
Hi guys this is my first post and i hope i didn't post this in the wrong section. i have been working out for 3 years now. first two years i wasn't extremely dedicated and had no diet plan. for a bit over a year i have been training hard and eating big and clean. recently i have been looking a lot into doing my first cycle. i have been reading up alot on different forums and i am somewhat torn between hdrol and SARMS ostarine. which one would provide more mass and/or strength gains? while ostarine is shown to be non-suppressive, at higher doses it appears to be. post cycle therapy (pct) would be run on either and would consist of torem and daa. is this overkill? i would love some post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations as well.


I'd give hrdol a try then ostarine to see which one your body responses better to. uniquemicals brand has some pretty solid feedback so I'd check them out.

far as post cycle therapy (pct) I'd go with tamoxifen an daa.
^^^ same

osta hasn't really been extensively tested yet which worries me (even though I've used it) though I haven't used it at a high dose.

Hdrol has been around for a while and is mild as far as sides, but can give you and impressive change in physique if combined with the right diet and training.

Don't do orals only cycles. I didn't see any test in there with the dbol? You need to run test as a base. If it's your first cycle it should be test only.
Don't do orals only cycles. I didn't see any test in there with the dbol? You need to run test as a base. If it's your first cycle it should be test only.

first, he's not talking about dbol.

this is about a legal OTC steroid.

yes, test "should" be the base of all cycles, but for those who are legal conscious this is the best alternative.
Buddy did an Hdrol cycle dosed at 75 for 6 weeks. He gained a lot of mass, and lost most in pct/weeks following. Not worth it in my opinion...
Buddy did an Hdrol cycle dosed at 75 for 6 weeks. He gained a lot of mass, and lost most in pct/weeks following. Not worth it in my opinion...

then he stopped eating or training right. steroids are for the mentally strong - if you're not you'll just go right back to the size you were before.

hdrol doesn't blow you up on water retention. you'll get solid mass gains. you just have to work HARD to keep them. like with any steroid.