had to ask before i did it


New member
i have been asking about a few orals and i pretty much got everything
set but have one last question
do i have to melt my anadrol and d-bol powder to its melting point to make my conversion or do i just mix everything togehter with oil and BB
i am making a suspension but want to know if this goes the same for a solution
When making a suspension, do not heat or use BB.

When making a solution, you may very well need to apply heat.
can i ask why not a BB i have read so much that it will help the absorbtion
into the body over a BA or are you saying not use either just oil
BB will help absorption? I've never heard that.

I don't think we've said anything about using BB when making a suspension. Don't use BB when making a suspension.
oil sucks for suspensions you don't use ba or bb for oral ...rum 151 or everclear work the best. if your powder has big crystals like anavar or letrozol crush the powder first
ok why does oil suck what makes everclear or 151 better
if its taste this i am not worried about because with every good thing something has to give