Halo or Epi worth it?


New member
I have some halo and epi i was going to use in a TE cycle about a year ago. Assuming proper cycle protocol and PCT, are either of these compounds worth running and if so, what results can be reasonably expected? Thanks.
Both are good compounds for an oral cycle. Results are highly dependent on diet, training, pct, and personal goals. If you're on an all out bulk, i'd say around ten lbs. Its all subjective really. Results differ from person to person, but i've always had good runs from halo clones. I've got some RPN havic (epi clone) that i picked up based on all the good reviews.

Straight up, you can't go wrong with either. Eat well, train hard, get some sleep, and you'll enjoy the results.

Hopefully that helps bro.
Also, i've heard guys claiming more or less weight gain. 10 lbs of lean mass is incredible in my opinion. I'm highly skeptical that anyone would actually gain more than that. Alot of the initial weight gain is glycogen and water that one will lose after you've stopped taking the compound.