P.S.L. Representative
Hey guys,
Lets make everything a little more clear on "how-and-why" a product does what it does.
I've been working this idea...
Lets take one product and merge the "scientific studies" with the "user feedback."
Scientific studies can be very confusing to many of us... and the user feedback has so many
variations because of the difference in how people react or respond to gear...
Along with different types or products being mixed at the same time... "not to mention individual opinions."
So here's what we have - all the information below is from specific studies... along with people who I
personally trust and are well know for their knowledge and expertise in the field...
This post is for one of P.S.L. products - Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)
Halo - what it is - and how it works...
It's an oral anabolic steroid - derived from testosterone... you could actually say it's a
modified form of testosterone.
More specifically, it's a methyltestosterone derivative, differing by the addition of the
11-beta-hydroxy, differing by the addition of 11-beta-hydroxy and 9-alpha-fluorogroups...
What that means is.... you have a potent orally active non-aromatizable steroid that
exhibits extremely strong androgenic properties...
Fluoxymesterone is 19 X more anabolic than testosterone and considerably
more androgenic than testosterone - 8.5% more.
However the numbers might be a little deceptive because it's not going to put on that kind
of size but you will see it in strength and aggression... plus, the leaner you are - the more
profound the effects you will see.
One of the benefits of Halotestin is the immense strength - MORE THAN TRENBOLONE.
The predominant effects - increased strength - increased muscle density - increased definition!
(muscles will feel like plate metal with a modest increase in size).
It's great for pre-contest - giving you a chiseled and volumizing physique... and is also great for
power lifting or pre-workout which comes from the aggression side of Fluoxymesterone.
Many people say it will put you WAY over the top for pre-contest and for physique and aesthetics
plus you're not going to see any estrogen activity or water retention.
"Also - Halo along side with Masteron... is said to be great before hitting the stage."
You will lose a little strength after you come off - but you will see your numbers will climb and
climb within a few days from the start - The aggression with Halo is obvious, so you should pay
more attention to your warmup.
Side Effects Estrogenic:
Fluoxymesterone is not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic - An anti-estrogen is
not necessary when using this steroid as gynecomastia should not be a concern even with sensitive
people - I state the AI simply because you shouldn't need to adjust your AI based on the addition of Halo.
Side Effects Androgenic:
Fluoxymesterone is classified as an androgen, so you could see the typical sides of oily skin -
body/facial hair and possible male pattern hair loss but most likely not MPB as it's not a DHT.
Side Effects Hepatotoxicity:
Fluoxymesterone isa c17 -alpha alkylated compound - this alteration protects the drug from deactivation
by the liver, which allows a high percentage of it to enter into the bloodstream following oral administration
C 17-alpha alkylated anabolic/androgenic steroids can be hepatotoxic with this one being on the very high end.
Liver detoxification supplements are recommended, such as TUDCA, Liver Stable, Liv-52 or Essentiale Forte...
I recommend doing further research on the liver detox... with the exception of TUDCA, the ones listed are
mentioned under the studies of Halotestin in William Llewellyn's book - ANABOLICS 10th edition.
Side Effects Cardiovascular:
In general - anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol and reduce HDL
(good) cholesterol value and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values. The impact on anabolic/androgens steroid
on serum lipids is dependent on the dose and rout of administration(oral vs. injectable) - types of steroid
(aromatizable or non-aromatizabe) and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism.
Fluoxymesterone has a strong effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol do to its structural resistance
to the liver breakdown and route of administration, also being an anabolic/androgenic steroid you might see
and adversary effect on blood pressure and triglycerides, relaxation and support to the left ventricular hypertrophy.
The common things to reduce cardiovascular strain are maintain active cardiovascular exercise - minimize
saturated fats, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates along with the addition of fish oil.
Side Effects Testosterone Suppression:
Like other anabolic/androgenic steroids you are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production.
Going by Llewellyn's Anabolics 10th addition an effective oral range of 10-40 mg lasting no more than
6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity - I would not go higher than 30 mg because it is extremely toxic
and hard on the liver - so don't drink and it is also recommended to take a liver detox such as TUDCA.
Final Note:
After reviewing studies (the technical data) along with users that I feel to be the highest and trustworthy in the
field... Halo is among some of the strongest products to MAXIMIZE your strength - INTENSIFY and deepen your
physic (aesthetics)... giving you that admired chiseled and solid look, we often see on the stage.
Also - I see a huge benefit running this during the bulking time of the year (not just for cutting)
I believe the diet should determine the cutting portion of the cycle... not the gear.
Lastly - the toxicity is a serious matter... you should not go over the typical doses - including the duration.
If you find any of the information is inconsistent with your knowledge... please chime in so we can
build on it... and make the topic more clear for everyone.
Lets make everything a little more clear on "how-and-why" a product does what it does.
I've been working this idea...
Lets take one product and merge the "scientific studies" with the "user feedback."
Scientific studies can be very confusing to many of us... and the user feedback has so many
variations because of the difference in how people react or respond to gear...
Along with different types or products being mixed at the same time... "not to mention individual opinions."
So here's what we have - all the information below is from specific studies... along with people who I
personally trust and are well know for their knowledge and expertise in the field...
This post is for one of P.S.L. products - Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)
Halo - what it is - and how it works...
It's an oral anabolic steroid - derived from testosterone... you could actually say it's a
modified form of testosterone.
More specifically, it's a methyltestosterone derivative, differing by the addition of the
11-beta-hydroxy, differing by the addition of 11-beta-hydroxy and 9-alpha-fluorogroups...
What that means is.... you have a potent orally active non-aromatizable steroid that
exhibits extremely strong androgenic properties...
Fluoxymesterone is 19 X more anabolic than testosterone and considerably
more androgenic than testosterone - 8.5% more.
However the numbers might be a little deceptive because it's not going to put on that kind
of size but you will see it in strength and aggression... plus, the leaner you are - the more
profound the effects you will see.
One of the benefits of Halotestin is the immense strength - MORE THAN TRENBOLONE.
The predominant effects - increased strength - increased muscle density - increased definition!
(muscles will feel like plate metal with a modest increase in size).
It's great for pre-contest - giving you a chiseled and volumizing physique... and is also great for
power lifting or pre-workout which comes from the aggression side of Fluoxymesterone.
Many people say it will put you WAY over the top for pre-contest and for physique and aesthetics
plus you're not going to see any estrogen activity or water retention.
"Also - Halo along side with Masteron... is said to be great before hitting the stage."
You will lose a little strength after you come off - but you will see your numbers will climb and
climb within a few days from the start - The aggression with Halo is obvious, so you should pay
more attention to your warmup.
Side Effects Estrogenic:
Fluoxymesterone is not aromatized by the body, and is not measurably estrogenic - An anti-estrogen is
not necessary when using this steroid as gynecomastia should not be a concern even with sensitive
people - I state the AI simply because you shouldn't need to adjust your AI based on the addition of Halo.
Side Effects Androgenic:
Fluoxymesterone is classified as an androgen, so you could see the typical sides of oily skin -
body/facial hair and possible male pattern hair loss but most likely not MPB as it's not a DHT.
Side Effects Hepatotoxicity:
Fluoxymesterone isa c17 -alpha alkylated compound - this alteration protects the drug from deactivation
by the liver, which allows a high percentage of it to enter into the bloodstream following oral administration
C 17-alpha alkylated anabolic/androgenic steroids can be hepatotoxic with this one being on the very high end.
Liver detoxification supplements are recommended, such as TUDCA, Liver Stable, Liv-52 or Essentiale Forte...
I recommend doing further research on the liver detox... with the exception of TUDCA, the ones listed are
mentioned under the studies of Halotestin in William Llewellyn's book - ANABOLICS 10th edition.
Side Effects Cardiovascular:
In general - anabolic/androgenic steroids can have deleterious effects on serum cholesterol and reduce HDL
(good) cholesterol value and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol values. The impact on anabolic/androgens steroid
on serum lipids is dependent on the dose and rout of administration(oral vs. injectable) - types of steroid
(aromatizable or non-aromatizabe) and level of resistance to hepatic metabolism.
Fluoxymesterone has a strong effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol do to its structural resistance
to the liver breakdown and route of administration, also being an anabolic/androgenic steroid you might see
and adversary effect on blood pressure and triglycerides, relaxation and support to the left ventricular hypertrophy.
The common things to reduce cardiovascular strain are maintain active cardiovascular exercise - minimize
saturated fats, cholesterol and simple carbohydrates along with the addition of fish oil.
Side Effects Testosterone Suppression:
Like other anabolic/androgenic steroids you are expected to suppress endogenous testosterone production.
Going by Llewellyn's Anabolics 10th addition an effective oral range of 10-40 mg lasting no more than
6-8 weeks to minimize hepatotoxicity - I would not go higher than 30 mg because it is extremely toxic
and hard on the liver - so don't drink and it is also recommended to take a liver detox such as TUDCA.
Final Note:
After reviewing studies (the technical data) along with users that I feel to be the highest and trustworthy in the
field... Halo is among some of the strongest products to MAXIMIZE your strength - INTENSIFY and deepen your
physic (aesthetics)... giving you that admired chiseled and solid look, we often see on the stage.
Also - I see a huge benefit running this during the bulking time of the year (not just for cutting)
I believe the diet should determine the cutting portion of the cycle... not the gear.
Lastly - the toxicity is a serious matter... you should not go over the typical doses - including the duration.
If you find any of the information is inconsistent with your knowledge... please chime in so we can
build on it... and make the topic more clear for everyone.

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