Halovar question


New member
Hello all, I recently picked up a bottle of Halovar before it's removed from the market, and I want to run a lean mass cycle with it.

First my stats
6'2 240lbs Lifting 1 1/2 years

Previous experience with PH: 6 weeks Mdrol original formula.

The bottle recommends you run week 1-4 2 pills (one AM before carbs and one with your post), then includes Epol from week 2-6, however Epol is now off the market.

From my experience with Mdrol and using a ladder dosage, I was assuming Epol compensated for the lack of a ladder in the dosage.. so now I'm not sure if I should replace Epol, or adjust the Halovar dosages.

Timing is also a concern as my workout times are inconsistent and when I was running mdrol it was meant to be relatively precise so you maintained it in your system constantly.

I'm thinking 50/75/100/100/75/50
Will be running liversupport+organ shield along side it at recc. dose

Post is also a concern, I'm going to try running Purus' recycle because it looks like a solid product, but I'm not sure what else to run along side it. I'm still pretty new to Pro hormones and I don't want to make a wrong choice and end up messing something up, so suggestions or adjustments are welcome.

Also, if I wanted to help with the leanness, would running EC stack along side the PH be a bad idea? Thanks.
so let me get this straight your running halovar, and epol together???

dont start your cycle yet until you have your pct in hand. recycle is an ok otc product but it will not do the same thing that a serm do. im sure if you have read any thread on here about cycles you will see that everyone with experience says to always use a serm...theres a reason why people who have experience cycling recommend them. you want nolva at least.

but first are you running the halovar in conjunction with epol?
The bottle suggests you run Halovar and Epol together, however Epol is no longer available from Purus Labs.

My question was should I replace Epol with another product from a different company, or should I increase the dosage of Halovar?

I am going to run a SERM, looking for suggestions.
The bottle suggests you run Halovar and Epol together, however Epol is no longer available from Purus Labs.

My question was should I replace Epol with another product from a different company, or should I increase the dosage of Halovar?

I am going to run a SERM, looking for suggestions.

dont go with eopl..its a superdrol and tren stack..plus halovar...thats a hefty 2nd cycle for you.

you dont need to stack with anything else if its only your second cycle. try the halovar solo and see how your body responds to it. this way down the road if you ever want to run a stacked cycle youll know what halovar will do for you if you add it to something else..plus the more compounds you stack now, what are you going to do 2 years from now stack 4..5..6?? go as simple as you can for as long as you can. your body will thank you in the long run

halovar is an excellent compound i have a few buddies who run it frequently because it can be used as a cutter, recomp, strength, or bulk cycle..all dependent on your diet and training...

definitely grab a serm..i hear great feedback about torem use instead of nolva/clomid...less sides and may have a better affect on increase of lh/fsh levels.
I'm going to just do the solo Halovar stack, however I'm not sure where I would acquire Nolva/Clomid to be honest, I always just used Novadex.. Torem?

I haven't used anything "illegal" to this date.

Also on the EC note, I'm not going to run them at the same time because of blood pressure concerns. So never mind.