Hard lump inside of my quad


New member
Hello guys,

I know there are many threads with this same title, but any of them does not really answer my question.

I got hard lump inside my quad , does not hurt or anything is inside of my muscle.

I got two theories it's either blood or slowly absorbing gear, but I dont really now if thats possible as its always the same place and lasts even few weeks after cycle.

I do inject the quad 2x a week but never the same place sometimes middle, upper, down etc.

Thanks for your opinions
Hello guys,

I know there are many threads with this same title, but any of them does not really answer my question.

I got hard lump inside my quad , does not hurt or anything is inside of my muscle.

I got two theories it's either blood or slowly absorbing gear, but I dont really now if thats possible as its always the same place and lasts even few weeks after cycle.

I do inject the quad 2x a week but never the same place sometimes middle, upper, down etc.

Thanks for your opinions

Ith could be several things. 1( dirty gear, 2) gear that was not properly filtered, and by that I me it was filtered by a 45 rather than 22.5, and you are having an immune responce, or 3) too much BA in the preperation.

If it is dirty gear you will notice that lump soften some. If its ba, in 2-3 days you will have no worries. Improper filtration is a problem as will, but most of the bacteria has been filtered out, but no gaurentee it will not for an absess.

If you would like some privacy , you canj pm me. I have been through this before, but wait a day at least to see if it is a messed up solvent or a bad injection. both can cause the issues you are having.

If it is an absess, believe me , you will know. Please do pm and keep me informed brother.