

New member
Came off a 12 week cycle of 500 mg test e a week and started 50 mg of clomid and 20 mg of tamoxifen w 12.5 of aromisin and since the first week of pct (now almost done 4 weeks) I've been more down n depressed than ever in my life. Does this always happen when coming off aas? I don't know if I can handle this again maybe never cycle again!! I'm down in weight lower than I was when I went on and don't even feel like training Fuck!!!!!!! I just want to feel normal again
Sometimes test E can be tricky. I always try and finish a cycle with a short acting ester or an oral for a few weeks to ensure i have nothing long acting in my body. That way when you begin PCT, you are actually getting somewhere with each dose. As long as your body detects the test e, the PCT has been for nothing. I made this mistake on my earliest cycles. I felt the same way. Hang in there man. It is important to see that it is normal. If the depression gets to be too much, go to the Dr. and get some antidepressants.

Good luck.