Having issues mixing GHRP-6 10mg with 2ml of BW


New member
I have a 10mg vial of GHRP-6 and I mixed it with 2ml of BW

I've looked up enough over the past 2 weeks and have injected myself with I believe the wrong dosage, so I stopped.

I have a 100 unit "easy touch" syringe and can't seem to find a damn picture or anything online that points to what "tick" marks are what. So, before the 10 on my syringe I see 9 lines; with 1 line (in the middle so I"m assuming it stands for 5) sticking out a bit more then the others but less then the 10 line. I was taking dosages at the 20 line assuming that stood for 100mcg's but the more I research I see that could be 200mcgs or possibly even 2000mcgs! I'm really annoyed by all this so if somebody can, please tell me where 100 mcg's is at on my 100 unit syringe which has 100 lines on it, is it the 10, the 5 or the 20 line. Don't care if youre sarcastic about it, just need help before I keep f*cking this up.


*Also, would it be smarter to add 3ml of water to 10mg of ghrp-6 or should I stick with this? If yes, I'd need that number too because clearly my math is at a 1st grade level