Hcg on cycle help


New member
Hey guys...

As far a using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during cycle... I heard it is best to start second week of injections and stop one week before aas clear the system. However my cycle looks like so...

Test enanthate 250mg twice weekly weeks 1-10

Var 40/50/50/50/50 weeks 7-12

So my question is when do I cease Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections.. How long does it take var to clear the system? Or should I only consider the test e?

once you have over 25-50 posts you can PM. Keep posting and doing research, and you'll find a source.

I would only take Test E for my first cycle instead of mixing oral compounds, that way youll know what's affecting the body. But the choice is yours.

Good luck :)