hCG or Clomid... What do you think?


New member
Hello everyone I wanted to ask your opinion about the hiring of a gonadotropin during the cycle, a friend told me that it could also take Clomid instead of hCG. What do you think?
"hiring of a gonadotropin"? What is that?

Clomid and hCG do very different things and have different purposes. What are you looking to do with them? That will help us determine which one to recommend.
Sorry but it was badly translated, what I meant was, they told me that instead of hCG during the cycle to combat the shutdown of LH can also use the Clomid ... wrong?
HCG should be taken from week 1 of the cycle until 3 days before PCT to prevent testicular atrophy

Clomid should be used as part of PCT along with Nolvadex.