HCG question


New member
Hey everybody. My post cycle therapy (pct) will start in 9 days and it looks like I can get in 2 more doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in before it starts. My post cycle therapy (pct) starts on a monday so my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose will be on thursday giving it 4 days to clear .
Is it ok to go with a larger dose for the last 2 doses? Right now I`m doing 500iu`s. I was thinking of bum,ping it up to 750iu just to give the boys more of a jump start. I really havent heard of anybody doing this so I`m betting its not recommended but I`m just curious.

Another question I have is; is there a best time of day to take Nolvadex for PCT??