HCG therapy for fertility thinking of adding proviron for libido


I am banned!
Been on hcg mono therapy for 2 and a half months. Feeling good physically and blood work shows good levels

Test levels- reference range (1.31 ng/ml-8.71)
Current w/hcg- 5.56
Estradiol- (15-48 pg/ml)
Current- 24 (was taking .25 Adex 2x/wk but stopped as I like my levels a bit higher)

My libido is low. I'm thinking of adding proviron in hopes that it'll raise my libido. From what I've read it can actually help with fertility.

Has anyone had success using proviron for libido? I haven't had dht tested, I guess that's the next step?

Perhaps allowing my e levels to rise a but could help, but even on cycle with levels around 34 I wasn't overly horny.

This may be altogether unrelated but lately Cia hasn't worked well for either pumps nor wood. I'm up to 30mg 5x/wk with no results- not even acid reflux, which I used to get with 5mg/day. Rui has already replaced one batch free for me and nobody else seems to be having efficacy issues.

Also I dose 10grams of l-arginine pre workout along with the Cia, again, not having great pumps in the gym. I used to almost not be able to reach my headphones due to massive pumps from those two products.

Insights into any of the aforementioned would be appreciated.
The thing with proviron for libido is the way it works is by lowering SHBG which frees up more free test so it boosts your libido. That being said after just 2 weeks your shbg returns to its normal levels even if you keep taking the proviron so it would be a very short term solution. Almost so short it really isnt a solution.
Cia doesnt do anything for libido for me, it just improves erectile response and quality. What DOES increase libido is the peptide ipt141. It comes in 10mg vials usually and dose is anywhere from .5-2mg and it lasts about 3 days. You have to start at .5mg to assess tolerance as too high a dose may make u nauseous and thats no fun, puking while your banging the old lady ;-).
The perfect dose for me is 1.5mg so start at .5mg and increase if necessary in .5mg increments. If I take ipt141 (1.5mg) & Cialis (20mg) on a friday I will have one hell of a weekend. I feel like the cialis works on the physical aspect via erection quality and ipt works on the mental aspect as when i use it I cant NOT think about sex constantly.
If you have used mt2 and experienced horniness from taking it you have experienced ipt without even knowing it. ipt is simply the isomer in mt2 responsible for making you horny. They isolated it and made it available.
Thanks for the response Mr..thing

Unfortunately I never experience the random erection libido sides from Mt2. I also tried ipt141 and the only response I got from that was a massive headache. Tried pinning it 3 times.

I believe HW recommended another guy TI get dht tested. I know nothing about this. If it were tested and it was off, what could be done to fix it?
Thanks for the response Mr..thing

Unfortunately I never experience the random erection libido sides from Mt2. I also tried ipt141 and the only response I got from that was a massive headache. Tried pinning it 3 times.

I believe HW recommended another guy TI get dht tested. I know nothing about this. If it were tested and it was off, what could be done to fix it?

Here's the problem, HCG monotherapy relies on a working (closed) negative feedback loop to provide you with testosterone. As proviron is suppressive outside HCG, I don't think you'll get the results you're hoping for. It's possible, as proviron is mild in suppression for some - but it's very difficult to predict what will happen.

Alternatively, HCG restores fertility even with testosterone. I know IMT had a really great study on this, showing that virtually ALL men on TRT with HCG were able to conceive children. Of course this depends on the plumbing working in the first place, so a sperm count might be prudent.

I know if I wasn't done with kids, I'd just up the HCG a bit and continue with my TRT. HMG can also be employed while suppressed to increase sperm as it's an FSH analog.

DHT is a libido hormone for sure. It's not on standard blood panels, but I do believe many labs have it available to order. Ask anyone how masteron at good doses treats them. :horny:

My 0.02c :)
Thanks for the response Mr..thing

Unfortunately I never experience the random erection libido sides from Mt2. I also tried ipt141 and the only response I got from that was a massive headache. Tried pinning it 3 times.

I believe HW recommended another guy TI get dht tested. I know nothing about this. If it were tested and it was off, what could be done to fix it?

Im not really sure. If you google it (how to increase dht) a bunch of stuff comes up like "10 ways to naturally boost dht" and they suggest things we already do like resistance training, eat healthy fats etc so I am really not sure to be honest. Since prov is dht maybe give it a shot taking it like EOD or something and perhaps you can overcome the bodies response to the drug when it is taken continuously??
I have read in studies that creatine monohydrate increases dht, however I didnt notice anything taking it for a month while on TRT. The fastest way to raise dht would be using dht gel, or test gel.