HCG, using with test and tren?


Dolphin Fitness
i just started a cycle where i'm running test cyp for 10 weeks, and stackin it with fina which i'm only running for 5 weeks. My question is, when and how to use hcg?

I got a vial of hcg of 5,000eiu. Once u pop the cap, u cant reclose it. And how i did it before was, i'd take the whole 5,000 within the 2 week grace period before starting my clomid and after my last test shot (since test cyp is a longer ester).

Now, they say to use hcg while on the cycle, not after. How accurate is it, and how should i schedule it?

thank you,
You want to use HCG during a cycle... not after.

When to start HCG is different for everybody... It just really depends on how fast experience testicular lose. My nuts get small fast, so I usually start HCG within the 3rd week at 250IUs twice a week for a total of 500ius a week. Some people use more, but I feel that 500ius a week is sufficient.

I dont understand what you mean when you say "once you pop the tab you cant close it".

Your HCG should be in a powder that you have to mix yourself. Once you mix it, it will last for about 30 days. give or take a week. Keep it in the fridge.

If you have 5000ius... that means you mix 5mls of BA water with the powder, thus giving you 5mls of HCG.

The ones I have used such as pregnyl say say on the insert that they are good for 60 days if kept in the frig.
hunk: Did your hCG come in amps or vials?

hCG is good for 60 days if it is mixed with bacteriostatic water. If it instead came with "sterile water for injection" then you might want to consider picking up some bacteriostatic water instead.

300-500 IU every 4-5 days during the cycle. Stop it a few days prior to PCT.
My HCG came in an amp, and now my concern is...once i open the amp, i cant reclose it, therefore if i leave it in the fridge, i'm risking BACTERIA to get inside and infect it. can i just cover the amp with plastic wrap and leave it? wats the best way?

Thank You,
hunk said:
My HCG came in an amp, and now my concern is...once i open the amp, i cant reclose it, therefore if i leave it in the fridge, i'm risking BACTERIA to get inside and infect it. can i just cover the amp with plastic wrap and leave it? wats the best way?

Thank You,

The best way I've found is to get some sterile 10ml vials and transfer the mixed HCG from the amp into the vial. Short of that using plastic wrap beats nothing.
hunk said:
My HCG came in an amp, and now my concern is...once i open the amp, i cant reclose it, therefore if i leave it in the fridge, i'm risking BACTERIA to get inside and infect it. can i just cover the amp with plastic wrap and leave it? wats the best way?

Thank You,

not sure if you can/should, better off asking mranak, but maybe you can just pre-load it into syringes and keep them in the fridge?
Yes, preloading it into syringes or using a sterile vial are both very common things that guys do.

Is the water 'sterile water' or 'bacteriostatic water'? 'Sterile water for injection' doesn't have any BA in it, so bacteria is more likely to be a problem. But many people don't even realize this, and I have never heard of anyone having a problem.

Do the injections sub-q, not IM, as bacteria is more of a problem with IM.
the intervet stuff I use comes in amps with a rubber seal, and 5mls of water, so I mix it, and use 500iu 2x weekly all the way through my cycle, starting around 2 weeks in
Intramuscular and subcutaneous. The former means to inject into the muscle and the later means to inject into the fat.
I thought I read a thread somewhere saying it doesn't matter how you inject hcg. IM or Subq. Any thoughts???
Neir305 said:
I thought I read a thread somewhere saying it doesn't matter how you inject hcg. IM or Subq. Any thoughts???
I posted a study that said the effect of the hCG was the same either way. But sub-q doesn't scar the muscle, it is easier to do, you are less prone to infection, etc. Therefore, sub-q is the way to go.