Chelsea.. NO baby!!! No nolvadex!! That will suppress your estrogen even more!! Right now your hormones are unbalanced due to the primo and var.. Hormonal changes may cause headaches.. this may be what you are experiencing.. Also, do you have pms?? that will also cause headaches because again your hormones are changing...
Anavar can also be the culprit here.. some women have reported headaches being a side effect of var.. it is a low percentage, but a possible side...
IMO, self diagonosing and medicating an already imbalaced situation which will further affect your hormones is NOT the best idea! Plus are you ready to deal with the side effects of nolvadex.. it is NOT something to take lightly!!
In fact, the direct opposite approach is taken for women with low estrogen.. ie: menapausal women are given estrogen replacement which also helps alleviate headaches often associated with low estrogen.. so why the nolv is working on your headaches i am not sure.. i mean it is possible that your body produces an excess of estrogen on its own and the nolv has somehow balanced your hormonal levels a bit, but that is an out there theory
just a thought...
another factor... did you cut too many carbs?? are you getting any caffeine or too much?? Diet may be causing the headaches as well..
ALSO, the most important thing to consider is your blood pressure.. high blood pressure can cause severe headaches!!
Please be careful!! Estrogen is so tricky and so hard to balance and incorrect manipulation can cause hellish problems!!!
luv super