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Has anyone had headaches after ending a cycle? I just finished taking Primo and anavar about 2 weeks ago and have had terrible headaches everyday. Anyone have any ideas? I went to the DR yesterday and had every imaginable test done and the scan of my head was fine, no sinus problems, etc.. blood work was all normal. DR has no idea what is causing the headaches but I didnt tell him I had been taking AAS. Thanks, Chelsea
chelsea said:
Has anyone had headaches after ending a cycle? I just finished taking Primo and anavar about 2 weeks ago and have had terrible headaches everyday. Anyone have any ideas? I went to the DR yesterday and had every imaginable test done and the scan of my head was fine, no sinus problems, etc.. blood work was all normal. DR has no idea what is causing the headaches but I didnt tell him I had been taking AAS. Thanks, Chelsea

From my initial interview i would have first thought that you may have a decrease in blood press, given you told me about you Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. However you may have needed alternative blood work that your doc could not have possibly known. You need to find a doc you can trust and confide in otherwise you will never have the opportunity to have a safe and healthy outcome from any side effects from your use. It could simply be from the hormone change that is often experinced with menopause women(obviously not exactly the same scenario, however from a hormonal change perspective it can give similar results.) Have you gone on any type of hormonal birth control now or did you through your usage? PM me and I can give you further advice...I'll ask one of my fellows at the hospital as well.

Its been 5 days since my last post and I somewhat think I know what is causing my headaches and just thought I would post an update here in case anyone else had a similiar experience after taking primo and anavar. As I said in my last post I had a very extensive physical with all kinds of xrays, scans, blood work, etc. Well after I went through the report I realized they never checked my hormone levels aside from thyroid and stuff like that but no estrogen, progesterone, etc. It was the weekend and having had 5 really bad headaches a day and noticing the lack of hormone tests, my roommate suggested that I take some Nolvadex that happened to be here at the house. I tried it out of desperation and sure enough its working. I probably still need to go back to the DR because I have no idea what Im doing with the Nolvadex but atleast Im getting some peace and it has stopped the headaches.
Please give me a full update so I can add it to my memory banks. If you have time can you describe the feeling/location(bi/unilateral), intensity, ect. Thanks Girl, Hope it gets better
Chelsea.. NO baby!!! No nolvadex!! That will suppress your estrogen even more!! Right now your hormones are unbalanced due to the primo and var.. Hormonal changes may cause headaches.. this may be what you are experiencing.. Also, do you have pms?? that will also cause headaches because again your hormones are changing...

Anavar can also be the culprit here.. some women have reported headaches being a side effect of var.. it is a low percentage, but a possible side...

IMO, self diagonosing and medicating an already imbalaced situation which will further affect your hormones is NOT the best idea! Plus are you ready to deal with the side effects of nolvadex.. it is NOT something to take lightly!!

In fact, the direct opposite approach is taken for women with low estrogen.. ie: menapausal women are given estrogen replacement which also helps alleviate headaches often associated with low estrogen.. so why the nolv is working on your headaches i am not sure.. i mean it is possible that your body produces an excess of estrogen on its own and the nolv has somehow balanced your hormonal levels a bit, but that is an out there theory :) just a thought...

another factor... did you cut too many carbs?? are you getting any caffeine or too much?? Diet may be causing the headaches as well..

ALSO, the most important thing to consider is your blood pressure.. high blood pressure can cause severe headaches!!

Please be careful!! Estrogen is so tricky and so hard to balance and incorrect manipulation can cause hellish problems!!!

luv super
I think that all of those are possibilities, but unless you let your physician know whats up all those tests can be thrown down the tubes. The average doc is not going to test your hormone ratios w/out some type of guidance in that direction. But the first 2 things that also jumped out at me were carbs and B.P. In other words....find a different doctor. We can theorize all day, but without lab values and a clinical examine its hard to get a grip on what your body is doing. Dont forget self medicating with nolva will also mess up future lab tests.
Thanks for the replies. I guess I should cut the Nolvadex out and deal with the headaches again for a few days to go back the DR and get more tests done. I have low blood pressure which is normal for me. 90/60. As for the carbs, I havent cut my carbs anymore, I am basically still eating the same as I was when I was on the primo and anavar. My roommates reason for giving me the Nolvadex was that she thought I might have had an estrogen rebound where it shot up really high. I know it wasnt a good thing to self medicate but being the weekend and dealing with like 5 terrible headaches a day with my son being home all weekend I would have tried anything. Please post any ideas anyone has as I have no idea what the cause or situation is now.
The headaches are unilateral always on the right side of my forehead and pretty intense. I wonder if this is what people call migraines because they are terrible.
update 2

After reading your posts I got worried about self medicating so I called an old boyfriend of mine who is an MD. He is an eye DR so this isnt really his area but he says they sound like classic migraines. He didnt know what to tell me about hormone levels. He suggested that he call in a prescription for Zomig, a migraine medicine, to get me off the Nolvadex. Then he said possibly if I treat the migraines to be able to get through some time either my body would balance itself out or go to a gyn and let him treat me to rebalance things. I know if I go to a Dr now they arent going to get an accurate test since Ive been taking the Nolvadex for 4 days so I thought I would take his advice and take the Zomig for headaches for the rest of the week and see where Im at. Should I taper off the Nolvadex after only 4 days or just stop taking it. He didnt really know much more about it other than what I told him. I was taking 1 pill a day for 4 days. Thanks, Chelsea
the problem with nolvadex is estrogen rebound MORESO than what var or primo will do.. in fact you don't get nearly the rebound from them as you would from nolv!! So that is more of a concern..

Honestly, 4 days of nolv is not going to suppress your estrogen enough that you need to worry or taper.. i would just stop it... You are still on the stack?? just keep up your training!!

good luck!!
Im not taking anything now except the Zomig, multi vitamin, calcium, EFA, and joint support formula. I stopped the Nolvadex yesterday when I read supergirls post so I we will see how I do now. THanks for all the help. Any ideas on anything else I can do to get myself back in balance or will my body just adjust? Thanks, Chelsea
i am not sure what is "off" within your body, so i really can not tell you how your body will react or bounce back.. If you have low estrogen, it will balance itself back out over time.. OR you may need to take some post cycle therapy (pct) to bring it back up.. BUT we do not know if that is even a problem for you unless you get your hormone levels checked by a blood test..

as per the headaches.. you still don't know for sure what is causing them... it could of been the var.. it could of been other variables..

Personally i would just give your body some time to adjust and self heal... i mean it would not hurt to get a blood test... just in case..
But hang in there!! :) keep exercising!! :)
Just an update to let everyone know my headaches seem to be subsiding. Im only having 1 in the mornings when I wake up and the Zomig knocks it out in 30 minutes so it hasnt been too bad. Much better than when I first posted and was having like 5 a day. Hopefully its my body getting back in balance and the one a day will be gone soon too. Chelsea