Healing tendons with peptides?


New member
First let me tell you about myself. I'm 33 years old. Been lifting on and off since I was 14. Did a few steroid cycles in my late teens and early twenties with good results. About two years ago I developed tendinitis in both elbows while doing pull ups for crossfit. I have had cortisone shots and prp injections as well as pt and about every other conventional treatment. Three orthopedic doctors say surgery is my only option. I have had x-rays, MRIs and ultrasounds. The tears in the tendons in both arms are very obvious. I have surgery scheduled for next week.

My question is would TB500 be helpful in speeding recovery?
If so should I stack a ghrp?

Thanks in advance for any help!
I ask the doctor to prescribe HGH and he said there was no good evidence that it supported collagen synthesis. I personally feel HGH is the most likely to help and has the most reseach to back it up. I can't find any good studies on tb500 only mixed results on forums such as this. I did find a clinic that would prescribe me sermerolin. It is very expensive. Do you think this is a better option than peptides?
My doctor happens to be one of the team doctors for the local NFL team so I'm sure he has prescribed HGH for recovery before. I'm not sure why he blew me off so quickly. I take it that you feel sermorelin isn't a great choice either. Isn't HGH only for approved for growth hormone deficiency? I'll show him the studies and maybe he'll warm up to the idea. I hate that Drs have so many great meds at their disposal but are so reluctant to use them. I think it's ignorance
Running a GHRH and GHRP together are fine. But you will not achieve supraphysiological levels with them. They will just help you "max out" your natural levels. Running HGH would be much better. But I would personally run the GHRH a d GHRP if I couldn't do HGH in your situation.